Day #3 of ‘Rights Weeks’ at The Napkin Dad Daily

I didn’t mean to start a series on rights this week. That’s why the series didn’t start until Tuesday.  But after I did one and Wednesday rolled around with it’s purple push against bullying it naturally made me think more along those lines.

Here’s the thing about rights.  True wisdom in morality and ethics is all about them.  Knowing when you have them, when you don’t.  When you can give them up and when you can’t.  When you should give them up and when you shouldn’t.  When to demand them, when to persuade them.  When something, or someone, is more important than them, and when they are not.

I love this quote because it puts the other person in the forefront no matter what.  That is the ultimate right, to choose our course of action.  And the best course of action, just in case you are ever in doubt, is to always love the person in front of you.

Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman of The Napkin Dad Daily

Quote by John Wooden, 1910-2010, UCLA Basketball Coach