say it

You Don't Say
You Don’t Say – a poster by The Napkin Dad at Zazzle.  You can make other products with this image as well.

The Truth Sayer

Are you a sayer?   Are you one that can often be heard saying, ‘Well, at least you know where I stand because I always say what I think.’  It always sounds so good. You are just being truthful after all, and telling the truth is important, right?  

The Hate Sayer

But what if you don’t know if it’s true or not?  What if what you are really doing is spouting hateful condemnation, judgment, self-righteousness and faux moral superiority about someone you don’t even know?  Do you not do that? That is good.  But think twice.  What about the Miss Universe who stumbles over her words? What about the male bodybuilder who has muscles on muscles on muscles? What about the guy wearing a turban in Wal-Mart? What about the girl whose shorts are just a little too short and whose tattoos are just a little to garish?  What about the short round kid and the skinny tall kid?  What about that older actress dating that younger man?

The World Changer

Do you really, truly want to change the world?  One way is to be quiet and not speak when you are about to make a judgment.  If it is not about truth but instead is about you using words to step on someone’s back to lift yourself up then be quiet instead. 

The Love Maker

I suspect you will find that the world didn’t go in the crapper because you didn’t say those hurtful words. You might find that your friends still like you in spite of you not having made the biting remark about the waitress with the bright blue eyeshadow. You might find that nothing changed at all except your attitude.  Maybe you will find more love seeping into your heart, who knows.


Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman, who loves all the people mentioned above. Especially the waitress with the bright blue eyeshadow.

Quote by Calvin Coolidge, 1872-1933, 30th President of the United States.  


Mythology Trivia Question from yesterday answered:

Question: Who is the Queen of the Underworld in Greek Mythology?

Answer:  Persephone was the daughter of Zeus and the Goddess of the Harvest, Demeter.  She was kidnapped by Hades, King of the Underworld and became his wife. Her mother Demeter found out that Zeus had conspired with Hades in the abduction. As a result Demeter refused to allow any growth on the earth until Persephone was allowed to return to her.  Zeus relented and allowed Persephone to come back to the surface in the Spring.  But since she had already married Hades and had tasted the fruits of the underworld she was compelled to live in the underworld starting in the Fall.  The flowers and vegetation then failed as she disappeared, only to return when she did the following Spring.  She became known as the Goddess of Vegetation as well as the Queen of the Underworld.



Persephone – Thomas Hart Benton

Here is a painting of an old farmer peeking at a young nude woman. It might seem a bit creepy but not if you know it’s really about the bittersweet feeling the farmer has at seeing Persephone discard her summer glory and disappear again for another year.  He is grateful for the harvest she made possible but is wistful at her departure, just as we often are when we see autumn leaves start to fall.
