I researched it, and today is the perfect day for #2 in my Research series!


Research Is #2


People often think science is all about facts and figures. That it is dry and boring.  Don’t tell that to a scientist.  Scientists won’t get mad at you about that claim, don’t worry. They will just look at you with a completely quizzical expression and say, “Are you crazy?  Science is all about NOT knowing facts and figures. It’s about the excitement of investigating what it is we don’t know.  That is what makes it exhilarating, not boring.”

Scientific research is walking a tightrope with the ‘Sea of Unknowing’ on one side and the canyon of ‘Can’t Be’ on the other.  You try not to fall off.  Then you DO fall off.  Then, just as you think you are lost, you find the answer you thought was at the end of the tightrope way down in the canyon or sea!

Science research is very much like creating art.


Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman

Quote by Wernher von Braun, 1912-1977,  German born rocket scientist
