This may boomerang on me, but today it’s #5 in my Research series!


research 5

 True But

I think this is true but incomplete. I think it must be added that it’s not always the alley that is blind, it’s the person in the alley who is.

Blind Alley, Blind Person

A researcher can contribute their own blindness or shortsightedness to the process of going down an investigative alley.  At least I know this holds true in art.  If I am not paying attention to everything around me I can think a place is devoid of creative potential.  But the truth is there is probably a great deal of creative opportunities anywhere, if I am paying attention.  I would think the same is true in research.  Yes, you have something specific you are looking for, but you can not be blind to what else the alley offers.  

Recognize, Then Edit

As you go on your research journey, no matter the field, keep your mind and senses open to what presents itself, even if it’s not completely on topic.  That doesn’t mean you have to grab it and indulge in it. It’s just saying you know what it is that is in front of you and are open to what it might mean.  Recognizing something and deciding to leave it behind is much better than never recognizing it in the first place.

See the rest of the Research series here.  If you are interested in having them as posters or framed prints for your school or company, let me know!


Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman

Quote by Marston Bates, 1906-1974, American zoologist


“Research is the process of going up alleys to see if they are blind. “