There is a 100% chance of this drawing being #2 in my Promises series.





Running in the Rain

When I start coaching a new season many of my runners worry about what we do if it rains.  I tell them one of my favorite things to do is run in the rain and that we run in it unless lightning is present.  They are not at all sure they like the idea.

But when we start out on a long run in stifling, drenching heat and humidity but with ominous clouds promising rain it doesn’t take long for them to be begging for the rain to actually fall.  Those days when it does, it’s glorious. We are energized and rejuvenated and happy.  We are little kids puddle jumping.  But those days when it teases but doesn’t rain, then we are miserable because not only are we still hot and drenched in sweat, but our expectations of a cooling rain are left unfulfilled. 

Cloud Promises

Promises are like that cloud threatening to rain.  Our expectations go up and our disappoint is all the greater if the promise isn’t kept.  It’s often better for the promise to not even appear in advance.  You simply act on what you know you have purposed in your heart privately and the cooling and nurturing rain falls.  No promise, just action.


Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman

Quote is an Arabian Proverb


A promise is a cloud, fulfillment is the rain