Here is the drawing I decide on to go with the quote from yesterday.


True Morality - Enjoying Life #3



Yesterday I posted this drawing with just the quote and asked people to give me their idea of an illustration for the quote.  There were some pretty good ideas. Many talked about a mother or father showing love for a child, or for an elderly parent.  Some talked about the idea of adoption.  Another mentioned the ‘pay it forward’ idea, which I found particularly intriguing.

But in the end none of them seemed to deal with what I thought was the key to the quote, which is about morality.  While I was reading and thinking about it I was struck with the very current and real American debate over same sex marriage.  It was the perfect example to me of an image that illustrates both the joy/enjoyment element of the quote and also confronts the perception of morality this issue makes many struggle with.

Some Questions:

  • What do you think of my choice?
  • What do you think of the definition of ‘true morality’ the quote gives?
  • How does same sex marriage come into play with your definition of morality (whether it is the same or different than the quote’s definition)?


Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman

Quote by Nicolas Chamfort, 1741-1794, French Writer and Aphorist


Nicolas Chamfort



To enjoy and give enjoyment without injury to yourself or others is true morality