I know a number of people whose overwhelming sweetness seemed pleasing at first. Over time I saw that sweetness as actually masking an inability to express what they were really feeling and who they really were. As a result I learned they weren’t safe to trust since I never could discern if what they were saying was what they were really thinking and feeling.
How does one become both strong and sweet?
“Only strong natures can really be sweet ones. Those that seem sweet are in general only weak, and may easily turn sour.”
La Rochefoucauld
>Only those who truly are bold are capable of those sweet words that mean the most. The weak natures belong to those who are ego driven, incapable of seeing outside themselves, wanting to be liked, instead of seeking to like those around them. Their words lack altruism, and depth. It is sometimes harder to care, than not caring at all. Those who seek to care seek the truth, seek to esteem those. Nothing could be sweeter.
>That is so very true. I had forgotten that he said that, but I remember now how succinct and accurate I thought it was. I think that might just be a napkin quote of the future, don’t you?
>If I always tell the truth, I will be sweet most of the time. Being strong and sweet at the same time requires tactfulness and honesty.
At my wedding, Walt said that there are two most important parts to a marriage: Truth ane Love. Love without truth is just sentimentality, but truth without love is brutality. We need both to communicate well!