“Some say you cannot change the world. But I say it’s impossible NOT to change the world. The only question is will you change it for the better of for worse?”

This quote is from me. I have never doubted that every person changes the world, and most change it radically more than they realize, or can realize. Just to take one example out of current affairs (2008) Barack Obama’s father is Nigerian. His
grandparents and great grandparents from that side had no way of knowing the impact their relationships, their unions, would have on America many years down the road. So it is with us.

Some things we can see we have done something, built a business, given good advice, etc. But so much more we will never know. But what we do know is if we behave with love and care, try to grow and mature, build beauty, truth and love wherever and whenever we can, then we will most likely change the world for the better.

Drawing, quote and commentary © 2022 by me