The country I am from, the US, has a long history of this separation. It is constantly being questioned and sometimes people want to rewrite our history to say we don’t really have this separation, but the truth is we do, and it’s always been there. I believe it is a good thing.
What about those of you in other countries? How does it work where you are from? Do you like it like that or would you like a different system?
Drawing and commentary © Marty Coleman
“I’m completely in favor of the separation of church and state. My idea is that they both screw us up enough on their own, so them together is certain death.” – George Carlin, 1937-2008, American comedian
>Bloggerfather, that is interesting how what really bugged you at one point in your life is seen later as a minor thing. It really does give perspective on things, doesn't it.
>I grew up in Israel, where as a kid, I hated the fact that buses didn't work on Saturdays. Getting older, you realize this is nothing compared to the really bad stuff. Religions generally treat women as inferior, so a country that has laws based on religion will treat women as second class citizens. At best.