My wife and I had my unwife and my daughter over for dinner last night. We talked a lot about our various family members, some doing well, some doing not so well. Some battling cancer, some exploding with opportunities of a brand new life ahead. Some in hard jobs, some dealing with very difficult situations. We talked about someone dear to all of us, and the sadness we feel with how that life has gone, it fills us with sorrow at times. Sharing that amongst ourselves diminished the sorrow a bit, knowing others are feeling what you are feeling.

We remembered back, talking about when we were young. Remembering a mother who is no longer with us, a home we used to live in, a funny story of growing up. I told of getting an email recently from a friend of one of my daughters. The friend wrote of her remembrances of our household, it’s fun and light. She is grown now and just wanted to share her gratefulness and joy when she thought back on it. That joy was doubled and tripled and quadrupled because of her willingness to share it.
You want joy and sorrow in their proper place in your life? Share them both.
Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman of The Napkin Dad Daily
Quote is a Swedish Proverb.