It’s the second day in a row that I found a fantastic quote online as I did my morning reading. I wrote it down so I wouldn’t lose it. Then of course I lost track of who posted it! Dang! If you did, tell me, ok?
I love this quote. It helps clarify both things by having comparative definitions. Innovation is usually attached to business oriented creative work. A management team is innovative. Or a chef/owner of a restaurant is innovative. It’s recognized by action.
But what about in your own individual life. Are you innovative? Are you open to new ways of doing simple every day things? Do you practice being open minded or are you closed to new methods? I am not proposing that all you do needs to be changed. The way I walk through my grocery store has already been created by me being innovative long ago. I don’t think I need to innovate in my trail through the store every time I go. Many things are fine just the way they are.
But what about the areas you aren’t all that sure are going well? What about your social or relationship life? Same old rut? Time to innovate. What about your attitude towards life in general and those around you in particular? Unhappy about the baggage you carry in that regard? Time to innovate.
Innovate means to do something new. To build in a new way, to function and respond in a new way. When the moment comes to do that, remember you are capable of acting and responding different. You are not trapped. When the moment comes, the small little moment to be kind, to forgive, to have a different attitude, remember you, and only you decide. There is nothing outside your own brain and body that is forcing you to behave or respond as you once did. Whatever action you take, it’s yours and as such you can choose, as hard as it might be, to choose differently.
Innovate the hell out of your life.
Drawing and commentary © Marty Coleman
“Creativity is thinking new things. Innovation is doing new things.” – Anonymous