I think this is a great quote.  What it says to me is that telling the truth is an art.  It is within the realm of truth that you are allowed the greatest leeway.  You can craft that truth in such a way that it is kinder or meaner, transparent or opaque, light-hearted or deadly serious.
Manipulating the truth is not the same as crafting the truth.  Crafting it means you use your wisdom and knowledge to say something the best way you can.  Manipulating the truth means you use your knowledge to make that truth sound like it is a different truth, a truth you want your rabid followers to hear for example, or that you tell to get money or attention.  Those manipulated truths are half-truths, they are mutated truths.  And those are lies.
You can see it in politicians but even more so you can see it in the mean-spirited demagogues who rule the airwaves.  They aren’t interested in the truth, they are interested in manipulating people to do what they want.  And what they want is to have adulation, power, prestige and money.  It’s the most depressing thing I know about modern society at this time.  It is an embarrassment and they should be ashamed.  But they aren’t.
Drawing by Marty Coleman of The Napkin Dad Daily
Quote is a Jewish proverb