Day #5 of the Color series. Check out white, green, blue and red in days past. 

The cool thing is to always talk about being silent.  Listen with two ears, talk with one mouth in that ratio. Sayings like that are all around us.  Religion says silence is good.  Meditation is good, it’s silent.

What isn’t good is silence that is rooted in cowardice and fear.  Silence when you see abuse and violence.  Silence when you see corruption and hate.  Silence when you see manipulation and deceit. Then it is good to speak.

But just like anything else, if you aren’t going to speak up in the small things you see, if you aren’t going to practice speaking, then when it comes to something big, something that really matters, you might not be able to speak very well.

Don’t be a coward. Don’t be yellow.  Speak up.

Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman of The Napkin Dad Daily

Quote author unknown