The collages I showed last week were images that were collaged into pre-existing images. This week I am showing collage images that exist by themselves.
This is a series called ‘Postcards’. They are images taken on vacation, collaged together and electronically sent out to give a feeling of where I am and what I am experiencing.

The Stranger Juxtaposition
The Stranger Juxtaposition series is similar in nature to the postcards in that the images are mostly taken on vacation, but the focus is on the person, not the place. They are sort of an imagined short story of this stranger I have come across.

She had yet to understand how she could love too much. Not because it was bad but because people would be like lesser mortals and she would end up being like Jesus, without people who understood her and perhaps crucified.

Her dream was to be a dancer from the time she saw her father enthralled by the flamenco troupe that came through her small town in Mexico when she was 7 and a half years old and her son had not even been seen in her far eye. And now her love is so deep and true that she sells her cakes at the mall and dances for him, not her father anymore.

She had something she had seen while on the cruise affixed in her mind. It was in keeping with loneliness and she felt it was obvious to all around her as if it was an adornment atop her head. She wanted desperately to take off the accouterment but was unwilling in the end because she knew it would never be amongst her charms unless she let it shrink in place and migrate to her bracelet of its own accord. So, she let it exist, remaining slightly melancholy for the duration of the voyage.
© 2021 Marty Coleman |