Is it a problem that I am interrupting ‘Problem Week’ to post something different?

Writing Lesson #5 zazzle_print
Writing Lesson #5 Poster by The Napkin Dad.  Perfect for the classroom!
I am not a great writer.  I get my grammar wrong, my sentence structure is sometimes caddywumpus and I definitely do not know proper punctuation.  But I do know metaphors and analogies pretty well and it’s one of my great pleasures in life to read, hear or come up with good ones.  But just as pleasurable is when I hear, read or come up with really bad ones. 

Why is it so great to hear something so bad? Because it’s as if the world suddenly became an absurdist Looney Tunes cartoon with funny looking people and fractured language right in front of my eyes.  I like things that make no sense whatsoever but still point to something that makes sense.

Most importantly, it makes me laugh and I like that.


Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman of The Napkin Dad Daily


Quote is my variation on one by William Safire