I love this quote because it’s simple and true. How many of you who have kids feel like it was having them that caused you to turn the true corner into adulthood? I know it was for me. It takes you from obsession with self to realizing you aren’t the center of the universe. Of course the irony is you are now in the process of raising a child who will one day think they are the center of the universe!
Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman of The Napkin Dad Daily
Quote by Peter De Vries, 1910-1993, American editor and novelist
Here’s a link to the discussion following the repost. Doesn’t bother me either way – I enjoy your blog… 🙂
Strictly speaking, you are correct. One does not need to be married to be a parent. However, besides the assumption of marriage that is a bit out of date in America in the 21st century, it is still the norm for both relationships and parenting around the world. I am not sure it would qualify as logical fallacy however. Which fallacy do you think it would fall under?
You’ve been accused of logical fallacy. Perhaps you should have used the word “parenting” in place of “marriage”. I realize you’re just quoting someone else, and that your context is parenting. Just wanted to pass this along. Don’t shoot the messenger. Your thoughts?
Awesome article. I love it.