I was attracted to this topic, so today is day #1 of ‘Laws of Attraction Week’ at the NDD!

Like Love

I had a conversation yesterday about attraction with an online friend in Norway.  I had responded to an FB posting about attraction that a mutual friend of ours (also in Norway) had posted.  The thread of the conversation revolved around the question, When do you have control over your attraction?  Sometimes it seemed to me that your attraction was visceral, immediate and you had very little control over it, at least at first.  Her point was that it was actually something you did control since it was YOU who was feeling whatever it was you were feeling.  I didn’t agree that just because it was me meant I had control since the initial response is primarily unconscious. We started using the word ‘choice’ instead and that changed things a bit. You can’t really control what you are not conscious of, but you do, through repetition and familiarity, make choices about things even when you aren’t fully conscious you are making them.

What are your thoughts about attraction and how it comes about? Is it primarily unconscious at first? What sort of control or choices do you have available to you?

Drawing, commentary and quote (adapted from an anonymous one) by Marty Coleman, who chose to post this today.