Can you find the secret, subliminal, self-advertisement in the napkin today?  Let me know in the comments if you find it.

Persuasion vs Force - Persuasion #5

I am not a pacifist. I believe there are times to use force.  But there are definitely times not to as well.  Trying to persuade a people of something is not a good time to be violent.  You may get them to submit, no doubt. But you won’t get them to convert to the idea you want them to.  

Force is not always violence. Force can sometimes be verbal or material coercion based on shame, guilt, ignorance, lies.  You take away enough of a person’s material sustenance and they will submit to your idea. But you won’t get them to truly believe it, only persuasion can do that.  You can manipulate all you want. It can even look like victory for a while. But it will not succeed in the long term.  

Persuasion, true honest persuasion, is the result of freedom to argue, debate, talk, reason, ponder, listen, walk away, reject, agree and disagree.  And being free from the threat of violence is the only way to do that effectively.


Drawing by Marty Coleman, who put a secret self-advertising message in the napkin today.

Quote by Anonymous, who always puts secrets in my drawings and I don’t even know it.
