Day One of my Blog World New York Journey


Blog World New York 2012

I am speaking at Blog World in New York in about 2 weeks.  The title of my talk is ‘Overcoming Procrastination from Start to Finish’.  I am going to document my preparation for the presentation from now until the day of the talk, Wed. June 6th.

As a result I am deep into figuring out the themes, graphics, words, images, napkins, schedule and organization of it all.  I want to be prepared and I don’t want to procrastinate.  I don’t want to make the mistake of thinking ‘someday’ will actually come. I need to plan it with real days not pretend days.  I need to organize it so that by the time I am standing on the stage in front of the (put in hopeful large number here) people in attendance I will be able to give them something of value. 

Something of Value

I can give them something of value in direct relation to how well I know the material and how refined that material is.  That means I can only think about it so long before I have to actually practice the presentation.  It’s in the practicing that I will learn what works.  To practice I need to have the presentation lined out and organized at the draft level. I don’t need all the images and I don’t need every word in place, but I do need to have the basic theme outlined and organized.  I find that even that will likely change but I start with something that way.

Since I am doing this as ‘The Napkin Dad’ the majority of images will come from my napkins.  Thus, I need to prepare a good set of napkins that will illuminate the theme and the ideas.  That means finding past napkins, which I can only really do if I have them named consistently and well organized in my electronic files.  It also means creating new ones that meet the direct needs of this presentation and today is Procrastination napkin #1

Your Contribution

So, here we are.  Day 1 of my blog journey to Blog World in New York.  What I am looking for from you are your pearls of wisdom about procrastination. Why you think it happens, what you do about it, what is good about it, and what your favorite procrastinating activity is.  Whatever other insights, references or resource you have I would love to hear all about them.


Drawing by Marty Coleman, who tried out for the Procrastination Olympics that were never held.

Quote by someone too lazy to demand attribution so Mr. Anonymous gets the credit
