It’s day #2 of Olympics week at the NDD.  Notice anything different about the drawing today? It’s a ‘not a napkin’ napkin (because I ran out of napkins).
Guess what I drew it on.

olympics 2


So much fame, so many endorsements, so much attention, money, glory, adulation, hype and talk for the winners. So much obscurity for the losers. But answer me this. Who won what 100 years ago in the Olympics?  I don’t know, I am sure you don’t either, unless you look it up or are related to a winner from back then.  We all go back in the same box. Most of us, famous or not, eventually forgotten.  Is that depressing? In some ways, yes. One of the things I like most about being an artist is leaving something behind. But art is corruptible (especially when drawn on a napkin) and it too will not last forever most likely.

What Remains?

What remains then?  Kindness remains.  That is it. That is what I want to get my gold medal in when the time comes.  That is what I want to hand down to my daughters and grand kids (come on daughters, times a’ wasting).  I want to be good at what I do of course. I want to work with those who strive for excellence. But I really don’t have much tolerance for excellence that is covered with anger and vitriol. I don’t want to be around a winner who is mean and hurtful.  I don’t want to be in a business relationship (though it is unavoidable at times) with someone who is scheming, manipulative, insensitive and negative.

I want to be, and I want to surround myself with, one who is both excellent and kind,  who achieves great things and does it with love in my heart.  

That lasts.


Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman, who has a lot to learn.

Quote is an Italian proverb