Don’t touch that remote! Read TV #3 first, ok?

television 3


I think there are plenty of shows on TV that appear smart at first watching but end up being pretty mediocre, without a lot of intelligence behind them.  I believe this is because television is a very intense and collaborative process. Many elements and many talents have to come together to make the entire production excellent and smart.  Perhaps the concept is compelling, but the execution is poor.   Maybe the script is top shelf, but the delivery from the actors is stiff and boring.  Maybe the concept is so derivative it just doesn’t matter how great all the other contributions are, it’s just never going to be good.

Smart Ass

Then there are the shows that are highly watched and are often said to be ‘smart’. But what they really are is smart ass.  They are often reality TV shows that get their kicks by cutting others down. They are promoting mean judgmentalism, intense drama and pathos for the sake of getting viewers.  The programs are manipulative and petty.  My wife and I made a decision last year to turn off those shows and not give that negativity room to breathe in our living room.  


Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman, who once made his family give up TV for a month, way back when.  

Quote by Gallagher (updated to include a button on a remote instead of turning a knob)


TV Trivia answer from yesterday. 

The question was: What was the first reality TV show?  

The answer is: Candid Camera. It first aired in 1948.
