Being of sound mind and body I declare this day #5 of Gift Giving Week!

gift giving #5

Chicken or the Egg

What comes first the mental illness, then the stinginess? Or does stinginess lead to mental illness?  Now, of course this isn’t really a serious question.  Mental illness has a myriad of reasons for its existence, not just some simplistic outer indication.  But their is a kernal of truth in the question nonetheless.

Acting vs Feeling

One of my favorite quotes is, ‘It is easier to act your way into another way of feeling then it is to feel your way into another way of acting’.  In other words, take action first, then the feeling will follow. It’s not always the case, but it is true most of the time.  You don’t want to go run, not in the mood, but you run anyway, and guess what? Your mood most likely will change.  You don’t want to give away stuff but you do anyway and, lo and behold, you start to enjoy the giving.

Hoarding and Mental Illness

Hoarding has just been designated a mental illness of it’s on this year.  What is hoarding about but stinginess?  You don’t want to let go of something, get rid of something, allow someone else to have something.  Why? Maybe it’s because controlling that object means you control yourself and those around you.  And where does grabbing at control lead?  To the desire for more control.  Is attempting to control everything in line with the human reality we all live within?

Giving and Mental Health

Giving away stuff, giving away time, effort, self,  keeps you grounded in a very persistent reality, and that is the reality that nothing lasts.  Not you, not your stuff.  Staying in that reality is being mentally healthy so maybe it is true, that giving is not only a sign of mental health, it can actually lead to and sustain mental health.


Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman, who doesn’t even control the remote.

Quote by Karl Menninger


Trivia of the day

What does ‘Never look a gift horse in the mouth’ mean?  The only sure fire way to tell the age of a horse, and thus it’s value, is it to look at it’s teeth.  The higher the gum line the older the horse.  When you get a gift you should not question it’s value, if you do you are looking a gift horse in the mouth.
