This will be spot on for some people, and not for others. I planned it that way.


color of your spots


Sheesh, another drawing of naked people, what’s up with you Marty!?  Well, I like naked people. Some of my best friends are naked at least once a day.  But beyond that, nakedness is a visual metaphor of our stripped down, exposed self and the cathartic transformation that occurs when we allow it to happen.

makeup - no makeup

Megan LaBonte

(click here to go to Megan’s Photography FB page)



That may be something that happens physically, like it did to Megan, a Photographer friend of mine in Massachusetts, who recently decided to go without makeup now for a number of months. She was petrified by the idea but she did it. She stripped herself clean of the mask and went out into the world not knowing what to expect.

This is what she wrote upon posting this photograph:

Before and after. Realized yesterday I have now been through my first whole season with out make up. What a difference it has made not only in the health of my skin but in my happiness as well. I love waking up each morning and facing the world just as I am, never realized how much I was hiding until I took this mask off. I now will wear it every once in a while to go out but other than that I don’t miss it at all and in fact for such a seemingly little thing it really has made a big impact on my life. I feel free from it and look forward to the next three seasons with an all natural face.


There are a lot of things Megan can’t change about herself.  Genetically she is pretty much set and short of plastic surgery she isn’t going to change her natural face much.  In other words, she has her spots.  But she still could do a lot.  In the simple act of not wearing makeup she took away some color, and added texture. She took away strong line and exchanged it for more subtle transformations of tone.  In other words, she changed the color of her spots.

Reading her statement, it’s about much more than a physical transformation.  It’s about a psychological and emotional transformation.  She says she is happier.  Happiness is not physical, right? It’s about attitude and emotion.  She also said she realized she was hiding much.  Was she hiding some hideous deformation on her face with the makeup? No, she was hiding something psychologically deeper.  While the transformation was physical on the surface, that mask of makeup represented something much deeper and it was facing those deeper issues that was transformative far more than just going without foundation for a day.


Deeper Planning


Just to clarify, the napkin scene above is not related to Megan. She is just an example from among my friends about a physical transformation and she had a recent illustration I thought captured it well.  

The Napkin shows a pretty horrendous family scene.  It’s fraught with sexual tension, distress and possible abuse.  It’s not hard to make the assumption that the family has highly dysfunctional relationships throughout.  Who knows what terrible things have happened to make everyone run away in pain.  We know all the children are running out into the world with spots. Spots that came from that home, that set of parents.  Spots that hurt, spots that scar, spots that fester.  

So, how do we go about transforming in these situations?  With courage and a deliberate decision to do it.

For example, I have a family spot called alcoholism.  The only way I found to deal with it in my own life was to stop drinking. I turned the scotch colored spot to water colored spot (whatever color that is.)  I had to choose to change the color of that spot long ago or lose what mattered to me.  The spot is still there, but it is pale now compared to the color I initially inherited.

What about you? Perhaps your spot includes a gravy colored spot called eating. Well, you aren’t going to stop eating. But you can transform the color of that spot to green for more vegetables and less gravy. Perhaps your spot is the green spot of envy.  What color could that spot be turned into? 

What about other spots you would like to transform?  Whatever spots you choose, they won’t fade or change colors on their own  You have to decide you want to change them, and yourself.  You can do it.



Drawing, quote, and commentary by Marty Coleman

