How to Tell if You Are Selfish


Finding God’s Will

I once heard a sermon on cassette tape (yes, THAT long ago).  One part of that sermon really stuck with me over the years.   It was titled, ‘Finding God’s Will’.  I was not expecting much. I figured it was going to be the cliche answer I had heard before.  But it wasn’t.  The answer was to be selfish.  Say WHAT?  Being selfish? Isn’t that the exact opposite of doing God’s will?  Since then I have come to see that the answer is true.

Here’s the idea.  God (if you believe in God, if not, then genetics, universe, earth mother, whatever you want) gave you a set of desires. Things you like, things you enjoy, things you want to do.  The traditional idea of God’s will visualizes you denying all these things to go do something sacrificial and ‘important’.



But the truth is God (or whatever) didn’t give you your desires and interests just to force you to deny them. They were given to you to use. They are what drives you forward.  As simple as it sounds, God’s will is to do whatever you want to do.  All that needs to be asked is are you doing something immoral or unethical while pursuing this activity you love. And how do you know if you are or not? Easy enough – Are you inflicting pain or suffering on another, either directly or indirectly? If not, then it’s God’s will.


Behave Yourself!

What does this have to do with the drawing above?  The world wants you to behave. It wants you to fit in and do what you are told.  Those who have power over you can often want to mold you into who they want you to be.  They want you to do what they want you to do not what you want to do.  And they might easily tell you that who you want to be is not ok. It’s not good enough, or Godly enough, or important enough.  It’s too out there, it’s too frivolous, it’s too degrading, it’s too embarrassing.



But they don’t get to decide that for you, you get to decide it.  Of course you have to have the courage to stand up and say ‘This is what I want to do.’ and do it.  Some never get that courage and lead lives others have designed for them, often under the illusion that they are doing God’s will.

What do you think of this idea?


Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman

Quote by Oscar Wilde, 1854-1900, Irish author and playwright


Selfishness is not living your life as you wish. It’s asking others to live their life as you wish.