The Wealth series continues with a question.




Yes and No

What do you think? Does it?  I am torn, not sure if I believe it does or not. I can see it can help with some forms of unhappiness but then again plenty of very wealthy people still suffer from being severely unhappy and the money does nothing to help so I don’t know.


I know my family had probably it’s worst continuous years of unhappiness when we were the wealthiest.  In particular my mother’s suffering seemed to get much worse when we had more money, not better.  But I don’t really know what it would have been like during those years if we had had less money so it’s hard to pin it on the wealth.

Your thoughts?


Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman

Quote/question is adapted from a quote by Roberto Gervaso, 1937 – not dead yet, Italian political commentator and journalist
