In the future, this will be known as #4 in my Future series!


future #4

All to Some

Let’s get this out of the way right off the bat.  We have very little control over anything.  If you don’t know that, you probably will learn it soon enough. Having determined that we have very little control, let’s also acknowledge that means we do have some control.

Some to None

Within the admittedly small area where we could have control, many of us don’t take it.  We are like a hot air balloon drifting in the wind.  If it blows us towards the fire, we become a fire fighter. If it blows us towards the office building we become an office worker.  

None to Done

Why don’t we take control of those things we are capable of controlling? Maybe it’s another person; a parent, spouse, boss, friend, who is trying to control you or circumstances. If you are afraid of conflict or worried about consequences of fighting for control, you are likely to let the other person’s vision for your future to dominate.

Here’s a great example of what I am talking about. A friend in college was a wonderful organist. He had a dream of being an organist in a big church as his career.  But his father was adamant, he was going to go into banking. And so he was a teller in a bank and had every intention of going into banking even though he didn’t like banking.  He was a very depressed guy. 

Do you have an example of this in your life or the life of someone you know?

Done to Fun

If you don’t work towards the future you want chances are you will be dissatisfied with the future you find.  And that means you won’t have the fun and joy in life that you could have if you pursued your vision.

Don’t be a hot air balloon, be an airplane.


Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman

Quote by Jack Welch, 1935 – not dead yet, American businessman.  His original quote had ‘destiny’ instead of ‘future’.  


“Control your own future or someone else will.”