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Mind, Not Thoughts

Notice the quote does not say ‘Negative thoughts’. It says ‘A negative mind’ instead. That is because we all have negative thoughts and negative thoughts aren’t always bad.  What is bad is when those negative thoughts become so predominant that one’s entire mind becomes negative.  When your every response is negative. When your every judgment is negative. When your every decision is negative.  Then you have become trapped. You have become automatic. And the automatic negative mind has no bridge to reach anything positive.  

Starting Slow

So, how do you overcome this? You make the smallest of positive decisions.  I have a friend online who has decided to do a half marathon later this year. She hasn’t run in over 2 years. My advice, and the advice of any reputable running coach?  Start slow.  Don’t try to run 13.1 miles tomorrow. don’t even try to run 1.31 miles tomorrow.  Just get out and run 100 yards. Maybe do another 100 yards.  Walk a lot. work up to greater distance, faster pace, etc. Have a plan, maybe a running buddy to hold you accountable.

The Plan

The same is true with our minds. Don’t make some grand proclamation that you are only going to be positive from now on. You know that isn’t realistic. What is realistic is when the next moment arrives where you have to make a choice on being negative or positive, choose positive.  Maybe it’s complimenting food instead of critiquing it.  Maybe it’s appreciating a view from your car instead of cursing the traffic.  Something small, something you can actually do.  Make a plan to do it with some regularity.  Tell a friend what you are working on, maybe they will join you.

What Training Is

Then do it again. Little by little, as each moment arrives, you choose the positive as best you can.  There will be times you won’t choose to be positive, just as in training for a race there will be days you will choose to skip a workout or shorten a run.  That doesn’t mean you have failed, it means you are in training. Training means ups and downs, discoveries and doldrums, greats strides and pride, great feelings of failure.  But training isn’t about success.  Training is about practicing for success later on.

Success in Life

And what is success in life? It’s having lived a positive one.  And you become what you practice.


Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman | napkindad.com

Quote is a variation on one by Joyce Meyers, 1943 – not dead yet, American Christian speaker and author