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The Good Shock

You know what good shock is? Good shock is when you are forced to face something you think is scary or wrong, something you feel is going to hurt you or destroy society, but actually isn’t.  Examples of that could be, as seen in the drawing, breastfeeding in public or transgender rights. Other examples from the past might include having to sit next to a black person at a lunch counter or on a bus. Maybe having a woman as the Pastor of your church. Maybe moving next door to a married gay couple.  Maybe It would be having an African-American as your President.  Or maybe a woman as your President.  Maybe a lot of things.

The Bad Shock

You know what bad shock is? Bad shock is when you witness something cruel, mean, hurtful, hateful, discriminatory, bigoted, racist, sexist, violent, disrespectful.  That is bad shock. And you know what makes it worse? When you don’t say anything or, even worse, support it.

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman

Quote by Mae West, 1893 – 1980, American entertainer
