Words Matter

When I was in my divorce years (the 2 years leading up to it) I remember how tentative my wife was in what she would say. She would say something like ‘Just because I am thinking about it, doesn’t mean I am going to act on it’.  Then a few weeks or months later that thing she was just casually considering became real.  Then it happened again and then again. Pretty soon I realized something.  Some things are too radical for one to consider until they get used to the idea.

Little by Little

‘I will never get divorced’ becomes the mantra because getting a divorce is just too radical. Then after a series of mental and verbal negotiations with oneself it becomes “Divorce is ok if…”.  Then more negotiations and “Divorce is what needs to happen.”  It takes time but eventually people get there. But not at first. They talk themselves into it. I am not saying it’s wrong to talk yourself into it, sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t. But it is how the process works because words and thoughts matter.

The Danger

That is the dangerous power of continually thinking negatively in one direction. You become what you think and say. If you fight back blindly against any slight without thinking about if there is validity or something to learn from that slight, then eventually you do it automatically with minimal choice in the matter. Like a dog trained to fight, that becomes your natural and unthinking reaction.

It’s sometimes called being stupid.

Drawing and commentary © 2018 Marty Coleman | napkindad.com

“The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.” – Albert Einstein