Plane People
I’ve been scanning my sketchbooks this year and recently scanned one from 2000-2002. There were a number of drawings of people on planes or about to get on one. Planes and waiting rooms are wonderful places to people draw and I always make sure I have my sketchbook with me when I travel for that exact reason.
In some cases I met these people, found out their name and a small portion of their story. Some knew I was drawing them, like Jess the flight attendant. She was sitting staring down the aisle late at night and it was kind of hard to miss me drawing since I was the probably the only person with a light on in the cabin. Other times I am observing, taking in not just the face but the whole environment, like in ‘A Passenger’s Story’, which really more my story of what is happening all around her rather than what she is thinking. And then again I am often just imagining what someone might be thinking based on just a brief conversation like in ‘Cate Wishing’ or on nothing at all, like in ‘I Hope He’s Nice’.
Click on any image to start a slide show. Let me know what you think, do you have a favorite?
Cate Wishing
A Sleeping Passenger with Glasses
Jess, The Flight Attendant at Night
The Demonstrating Flight Attendant
Catherine, The Passenger with Lipstick
Caitlin on a Plane
The Elegantly Dressed Woman
Sunny Headed Home
Danielle to Houston 1
Danielle to Houston 2
A Sleeping Passenger
A Passenger's Story
The Future Lawyer
Waiting to Board
The Girl Who Was Cold
I Hope He's Nice