The Wondering Breast – The Stranger Juxtaposition #1
The Wondering Breast – The Stranger Juxtaposition #1
Something On Her Mind – The Stranger Juxtaposition #2
Something On Her Mind – The Stranger Juxtaposition #2
‘She had something she had seen while on the cruise afixed in her mind. It was in keeping with her loneliness and she felt it was obvious to all around her as if it was an adornment atop her head. She wanted desperately to take off the accouterment but was unwilling in the end because she knew it would never be amongst her charms unless she let in shrink in place and migrate to her bracelet on its own accord so she let it exist, remaining slightly melancholy for the duration of the voyage.’
The Color Opera – The Stranger Juxtaposition #3
The Color Opera – The Stranger Juxtaposition #3
The light coming through the salon door was luminescent and the blue jewelry and eyes popped. I left, went south and found an abandoned ranch, finding similar colors. It was an opera of color.
I Wish – The Stranger Juxtaposition #4
I Wish – The Stranger Juxtaposition #4
The gallery was airy and the assistant had great eyebrows and there was an interesting painting with the word penis in it and there was a colorful potted tree outside and a wall of tile.
The Healing – The Stranger Juxtaposition #5
The Healing – The Stranger Juxtaposition #5
‘The woman who didn’t want to look but found the courage to face the light and thus was healed in the Vietnamese nail salon.’
Love Like Jesus – The Stranger Juxtaposition #6
Love Like Jesus – The Stranger Juxtaposition #6
‘She had yet to understand how she could love too much. Not because it was bad but because people would be like lesser mortals and she would end up being like Jesus, without people who understood her and perhaps crucified.’
The Cake Seller – The Stranger Juxtaposition #7
The Cake Seller – The Stranger Juxtaposition #7
‘Her dream was to be a dancer from the time she saw her father enthralled by the flamenco troupe that came through her small town in Mexio when she was 7 and a half years old and her sone had not even been aseen in her far eye. And now her love is so deep and true that she sells her cake at the mall and dances for him, not her father anymore.’
Maybe Yes No – The Stranger Juxtaposition #8
Maybe Yes No – Stranger Juxtaposition #8
The eye doctor’s eyes, pearls and shoes said 3 different things.
The Separation Anxiety – The Stranger Juxtaposition #10
The Separation Anxiety – Stranger Juxtaposition #10
She took our family photo and we had done the same for her. I didn’t notice her separation anxiety until I got home.
The Dreamer – The Stranger Juxtaposition #11
The Stranger Juxtaposition #11
‘I witnessed her dreaming, day and otherwise, while on the ferry in the bay next to the island with the tree and the blue sky on vacation.’
The Listener – The Stranger Juxtaposition #12
The Listener – The Stranger Juxtaposition #12
‘The woman at the table next to me at the conference listening while I did not but instead had my camera in my lap and took photos of interesting beauty because in the end that is what will remain and I like that.’
The Lookers – The Stranger Juxtaposition #13
The Stranger Juxtaposition #13
‘Something about the way they looked at me persuaded me to give them my money.’
With certain projects I know when I photograph the person I want more than just a portrait of their face because they are more than their face. I want to college more about who they are, including often their clothings, other parts of their bodies, surroundings, backgrounds, homes, and more. It is a collection of images that tell their story.
With Visual Poems I collected the images without knowing I was going to do this series. I was working on other series at the time that also had me collecting diverse images from the shoots and it wasn’t until afterwards that I started to see the possibilities in design and content that led in this direction.
I would love to know if you have a favorite and why so don’t be shy about leaving a comment.
I have two websites, this one and ‘’. That one is moribund and I no longer post to it. But I did in the past and there are many posts and galleries there that aren’t on this website, especially in the area of photo-collage, which I have done extensively since the 1990s.
I am posting those series at ‘The Napkin’ over the next few months.
The first is called ‘Truths and Things I Made Up About These Women’. The germination of this idea started when I was photographing friends. I was in conversation with them as they posed and came to learn certain things about them. Later, as I was doing the collages I would think about how the viewer would see them. They would nothing about these people but they would have some impression from the image. But what if I put some verbal hints of who she is, how would that affect how the viewer saw the person?
That led to me laying out a list of true things about the person, things they had told me, and then adding in one (or more) things I made up. Why not just say true things? Because I like the idea of the viewer having to think about their own perception and to engage with that perception to think deeper about how we judge and come to conclusions about people.
The text is small in many cases as they were originally created to be seen in large format in a gallery setting.
Here is a selection from that series. Let me know what you think in the comments.
Ever since I started using an iphone for photography instead of my old dslr camera I have done much less street photography. But recently I took trips to Los Angeles and Las Vegas and I was inspired to entertain that genre again. Here are some of the images I came up with.
I often will go back into old sketchbooks and continue working on images, no matter how old they are. This is usually because it is a line drawing that I am now interested in painting. It’s a mystery why some images don’t catch my imagination to go farther than the original drawing until many years or decades later. But when the spirit moves I usually act on it. Here are a selection of drawings where I did just that.
Move the slider from left to right to see the before and after versions.
Woman Studying at Starbucks at Utica Square, Tulsa, OK – drawn 2015, painted 2025
Woman in Pajamas in the Hospital Waiting Room Drawn 2015, painted 2025
Sarah Jo at ‘Nutrition with Attitude’, Rowlett, TX – Drawn 2024, painted 2025
The Writer at Starbucks, Denver, CO Drawn 2016, painted 2025
Why do I love Frida and her art? Let me count the ways. She’s a story teller and a truth teller. She’s creatively, emotionally, socially, politically and relationally fearless and courageous. She’s resilient and persistent. She’s independent. I went to the Dallas Museum of Art this week to see the Exhibition ‘Frida: Beyond the Myth’. It’s organized as a chronological review of her life and art and uses photographs, drawings and paintings to examine and explain how her biography was so important to her creativity and resulting artwork.
Frida with Cigarette,, Altavista, 1941 Nicolas Muray, gelatin silver print
This stunning photo shows how truly determined and successful she was in being herself, fully and completely, with no apologies and no regrets. She had immense pressure to conform throughout her life and at every turn she chose to stand her ground and say, ‘This is me, take me or leave me’. This led her to being respected around the world by thousands of artists and art patrons, even as she confronted their culpability in bending to the status quo that she herself would not.
The seminal event of her life was a trolley/bus accident when she was just 19 years old. She suffered a fractured spine, broken ribs and collarbone, dislocated shoulder, crushed right foot and multiple fractures in her right leg. She was not expected to survived and as a matter of fact, her then boyfriend, who was also in the accident and injured, though less severely, advocated assertively for the doctors to work hard to save her when the inclination was that she was probably not going to make it.
The Accident, 1926
Self Portrait in a Velvet Dress, oil on canvas, 1926
Kahlo is known for her self-portraits and here is her first known one. Painted a year after the accident she gave it to her boyfriend Alejandro Gómez Arias in appreciation and in hopes of keeping her in his thoughts while she continued to recover.
Years later she was romantically attached to Diego Rivera, one of the most famous of all Mexican muralists. Upon finding out she was pregnant Rivera demanded she get an abortion, which she did. It was the first of many. This image illustrates the severe depression she suffered as a result. It is one of the first where she illustrates a cycle of life, something she returns to again and again.
In the early 1930s Diego Rivera was invited to create a number of murals around the United States. They all ended up being controversial but none more so than his mural at Rockefeller Center in New York City. It depicted the heroes of the communist revolution in the Soviet Union and around the world. This of course did not go over well with the ardent capitalists of New York, especially the Rockefellers. The mural was condemned and covered up after many many months of work on his part.
My Dress Was There Hanging (New York), oil and collage on masonite, 1933-1938
Frida was incensed by what she saw as the blatant hypocrisy of America in condemning Rivera’s work while promoting itself as a paragon of Christian humanity toward others. If that was so, why were the unemployed allowed to starve? That and many other questions haunted her and this painting was her effort to express that by showing the disparity between the collaged unemployed below with the ostentatiousness and seduction above.
My Dress Was There Hanging (New York), close up
Frida in front of the Unfinished Communist Unity Panel, New Workers School, 1933, Photograph by Lucienne Bloch
One thing Kahlo was above all else was direct. She wasn’t obtuse or hidden in her visual story telling. This didn’t always work well for her. In 1939 Clare Booth Luce commissioned Kahlo to created a portrait of remembrance for the mother of Dorothy Hale, an actress who had committed suicide by jumping out of a New York Skyscraper. Kahlo did not paint a portrait of remembrance, she painted a very graphic and direct image of Hale falling to her death. Luce wanted to destroy the painting as it was deeply disturbing to her but was talked out of it.
The Suicide of Dorothy Hale, 1939, oil on masonite with hand painted frame
The Suicide of Dorothy Hale, close up
Kahlo continued to paint self portraits throughout her life but they changed as she got older. No longer do you see her refined and elegant with her hair up. Now she is starting to show herself with her hair down, more casual and unkempt, something that had to do with her being bedridden in pain but also because she no longer was driven to adorn herself, to be ‘attractive’ to Rivera or anyone else.
Self-portrait with Monkey, 1945, oil on masonite
Self-Portrait with Loose Hair, 1947, oil on Masonite
As she became less mobile she spent more and more time painting symbolic images and still lifes. That didn’t mean she gave up imbuing her images with meaning. As you can tell in Sun and Life the symbolism is strong, with a fetus, labia images and shooting phalluses. This was painted not long after she had her 4th abortion so it is likely it all refers back to the complicated sexual and emotional relationship she had with Rivera.
Sun and Life, 1947, oil on Masonite
Sun and Life, close up
In this still life you can see similar imagery reflecting her identity. The sensual cut open fruit, the Mexican flag and native parrot all show parts of her, as does the flag impaling the fruit, not unlike how she was impaled in the accident so many years before.
Still Life with Parrot and Flag, 1951, Oil on masonite
For the last years of her life she was completely bedridden, unable to go anywhere. She was in constant pain and the various surgeries she underwent through the years had all failed to alleviate it. She painted from her bed until she could no longer. She died in 1954 at the age of just 47.
Frida Painting with Diego Rivera looking on, 1951
In the end it has to be said Frida Kahlo led a very tortured and sad life in many ways. She would agree, not being one to have a pretend happy disposition when it wasn’t warranted. There is a type of person who wears their heart on their sleeve. Kahlo was like that but instead of on her sleeve she wore it in her paintings. They are masterful dissections of a deeply wounded soul, baring the most intimate of feelings for all the world to see. She was one of the first true autobiographical artists and her influence in the art world has been felt ever since.
Frida with Magenta Rebozo, 1939, Photograph by Nickolas Muray
I have continued to draw with my Copic Gasenfude ink brush lately. Something about the line width control I can get and, at the same time, the unpredictability of the line makes me enjoy both the act and result of drawing.
And as you can see I continue to draw in church. The sermons have been particularly uninspiring since our new Pastor arrived 4 months ago so I am very glad to have my sketchbook with me. The only problem is not paying attention to the sermon, which I used to be able to do but only if it’s brain stimulating in some way. When they aren’t I tend to zone it out.
We lived in Tulsa, Oklahoma for many years and attended First Baptist Church of Tulsa. The set up of the altar and stage combined with where we sat made the Pianist front and center to my line of sight. As a result I drew her a lot. The thing I remember is how quietly talented, poised and beautiful she was. After a while I talked to her and told her I drew her and showed her a few of the drawings. But sometimes I wouldn’t because I usually was drawing fast and often exaggerated or distorted her looks and I didn’t want her to think I thought she really looked like that. She didn’t.
This is a little off from what I usually post but I thought you might like to see what I do outside of art and running.
The Big Move
We moved to Texas in 2000 to be closer to our daughter and her expanding family. We found a fantastic house within 15 minutes of her and bought it. The interior was dated but perfect for our needs. The outside however was pretty much an empty yard. There was an old shed in the back and an old car port under a big oak tree in the side yard that the prior owner had used to tinker on his cars. On this blank canvas I envisioned a brick path leading to a large deck with a roof.
The Blank Canvas
The first phase of the project was to build the brick path from our back door around to that car port in the side yard. This entailed digging a trench 3 feet wide by 12 inches deep for the length of the path, which would split off in two branches, one leading to the shed and another leading to the small grill area of the future deck. The digging was hard and laborious and I did it while training for the Boston Marathon, which made it all the harder. There was a time when work was stopped due to rain that flooded the trench. However, it was a great time playing in the muddy pond for our granddog Annie.
Before – grass, dirt and an old carport
Path Outline
Muddy Annie!
Gravel and Sand
Then came big loads of gravel, sand, and brick. I used two different color bricks with the highlight color forming and X again and again the length of the path.
Path Complete!
Once the path was complete I took a break and focused on other part of the back yard, primarily creating border gardens. I started working on the actual deck in the summer of 2021. This first meant planning it all out on paper and figuring out layout, materials and costs. The deck was designed with 3 distinct areas, a small grill area, a large sitting area and a medium size dining area. It was quite big, 400 sq feet to be exact.
The Big Project
Physically the first thing to do was to get electricity out to the deck area. I had a electrician put a new circuit breaker in and wired it to the outside of the house. From there I dug a trench across the yard to the fence. I installed conduit, wiring and a plug over at the fence so I could have power while building and afterward for lighting the deck.
The deck area before
Then it was on to regrading the side yard to be flat. It wasn’t far off from that but it had to be completely flat and just like the path, I had to dig down about 8-12 inches to lay the foundation cinder blocks that the deck would sit on. Once again, hard and laborious and in the middle of a very hot summer!
Throughout the construction I kept thinking the phase I was in had to be the physically hardest part to build so it would just get easier as I went along. This was not true. Every phase turned out to be more physically demanding than the one before it.
Foundation Blocks in Progress
Framing in Progress
After laying the foundation blocks (approx. 36 of them, or maybe 63 of them, I forget now.) I started to build the frame section by section with 2×6 pressure treated pine. Doing it by section was easier to figure things out without being overwhelmed (though honestly it was never not overwhelming!)
Decking in Progress
Then came the actual decking. I used real wood, not plastic or composite, because of the price and environmental reasons. Once again I built by section and made each area distinct by creating a border around each one. Filling in each area was pretty straight forward until I got to the diagonal section and that took a lot of precise measuring. That was a challenge but I did it without making any big wrong cuts. It probably was the easiest part of the project.
Roof Framing in Progress
Once that was done came part 3 of the project, the roof. The carport was basically just a slanted roof over dirt but it was very low, so much so that when the raised deck was taken into consideration in nobody would be able to stand up straight. So the old roof was torn down, and the posts that held it up were taken out as well because they were in the wrong spots. The back of the roof was even with the fence so instead of putting posts there I used the aluminum posts that held up the fence and simply added extensions to them. I had to build a frame for the roof just like I had for the deck itself but this was a lot harder because the roof was at an angle and that meant precision measuring once again.
Staining in Progress
Once the frame was up it was time to stain the entire thing. Before staining I had to wash and clear the wood, which meant using a pressurized pump sprayer to get the wood ready to take the stain. For the stain itself I used a soft car wash brush on a pole to do the entire deck and most of the roof (before putting on the roofing material).
Roof Cover in Progress
The next step was to put on white corrugated plastic roofing, the wavy sort. I took a long time to get them aligned properly, adhered with screws so they wouldn’t come loose in a storm. We’ve had 3 severe wind storms since then and the roof hasn’t moved an inch!
While I was building Linda was shopping. She found a very nice outdoor seating area that fit perfect. She then added 2 rocking chairs and a small table. The area now seats 10 so it’s great for family gatherings.
Aluminum Cladding
The final touch was to clad the bottom of the deck, where it met the ground, with strips of the metal roofing I had taken down from the old car port.
The Deck Complete!
I finished the deck and roof and had it ready just in time for Thanksgiving and Christmas, 2021. I was very excited to show it off, especially to my out of town family who was coming over the holidays. But the powers that be decided a cold winter rain would fall for most of thanksgiving week and Christmas week so showing it off basically consisted of people walking out, looking at it, saying cool and then going back inside. It would not be until over a year later that a planned family gathering happened when the weather cooperated and we were able to sit out and enjoy the deck!
The entire project, Path, Deck and Roof took a little less than a year, with about 5 months for the path in 2020 and 6 months for the deck and roof in 2022. I did the entire thing myself with the exception of help from my wife Linda on the setting of the roof posts into concrete one afternoon.
These were drawn in a teeny weeny (3″x5″) spiral sketchbook with a regular ballpoint pen in 1995-1996. Some were drawn in airport waiting areas, others in church. others who knows where. These micro sketchbooks are great for traveling because they fit in even the smallest pocket.
Back in June I posted drawings I had done in my bible in 1997-1998. Those were drawings that had thought bubbles that the people might have been thinking. Here are drawings from the same bible and same time period but these have no or few words beyond what is on the page. In most cases these were people sitting in pews listening to the sermon or choir. Sometimes I was creating a message behind the drawing in my head but other times I was just drawing a face I found interesting.
In the last post I told about having to commute by bus to my job in Downtown San Jose, California from the suburbs. The job was at Eulipia Restaurant and I chose to apply there because I liked their ad in the newspaper. It was cool and hip and it made me want to be there. I had plenty of restaurant experience at that point and got a job as a waiter. I later became head waiter and manager. This job was going to carry me over until I got a more permanent job or get back into Graduate School. Little did I know I wouldn’t leave Eulipia for 13 years.
What ended up happening was I got into San Jose State University as a graduate student working towards my MFA. I kept the job through graduation. Then I started applying for teaching positions at the college level. I quickly landed a part-time instructor position but a full-time gig eluded me year after year so I always kept my job at Eulipia even as I was working teaching at three different community colleges nearby. Before you know it 13 years had passed. In 1993 I retrained myself to be a computer artist and landed an animator job in Tulsa, Oklahoma and moved away the next year.
Those years at Eulipia were truly wonderful years. I loved the work and the people. I did a lot of drawings of my co-workers both in my sketchbook and larger pieces in charcoal and Prismacolor pencils that got up to 6′ x 4′. I also did extensive photography of many co-workers and made contacts with many customers that led to many photography commissions and projects. I will show those in a later post.
Here are some of the sketchbook drawings from that era, 1981-1994.
Back in 1981/82 my first wife, Kathy, and I were living with her parents in San Jose, California. We had returned to the Bay Area after my failed graduate school effort at Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. That’s a story for another time but the result was we returned home with no money and no jobs so living with her parents was really the only option. Once we were there I quickly landed a job at a restaurant in downtown San Jose called Eulipia. To get there from their suburban home I took the bus every day. The first nine are from that year of bus travel.
Drawing on a moving vehicle of any kind is a challenge. You have to let go of precision. It forces you to let your physical action in the world be part of your image of the world. It’s an incredible teaching tool in developing both style and ability. If I was teaching drawing now I would make that an essential assignment.
Fast forward 21 years to 2003 and I am in Europe with my daughters on vacation. We travel by train, bus, car and subway and I draw while on them all. The final three are from that trip to give you an idea of how my style and ability changed and progressed over those 2 decades. While they were drawn live I worked on them quite a bit afterwards so they are much more polished than the earlier drawings.
In 2000 my divorce from my first wife, Kathy, was final. In 2003 I started dating Linda. In between I dated. Recently I scanned my sketchbooks from 2000 to 2003 and found these drawings of women I dated (or met in anticipation of maybe dating) during that time. Almost, but not all, of these were the result of online dating. Many people tell horror stories of online dating but with few exceptions my experience was overwhelmingly positive. None of them turned out to be who I was fated to marry but the women I met were smart, kind, sensitive, aware, interesting, attractive and wonderful. I learned a lot from that time and those relationships, even if it was just one date in some cases, and going through that made me confident when I finally found Linda, that she was the right one for me!
Linda attended a conference at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas and I tagged along because why not. I did what I usually do when traveling and that is get up early, get a coffee and pastry and do some drawing. I was on my own the last 2 days while she attended the conference so I spent some time at the pool and drew there as well. I also found a great opportunity during lunch at a noodle place.
I took the opportunity to draw in my big sketchbook and use my copic Gasenfude brush, which is very much like using a sumi brush. The one exception is the ‘Early Morning Coffee with Phone’ which is with my regular Copic pen and in my smaller sketchbook.
People often ask me how long it takes me to do drawings like these. On average each drawing took about an hour to an hour and a half, except for the one in the smaller sketchbook. Beside each drawing but one is a photograph of the scene itself. These were taken after doing the drawing so the original people have often changed positions or left completely and have been replaced by others.
One of the interesting things about this type of drawing is whether the person I am drawing realizes they are being drawn. I try to be discreet enough so they aren’t conscious of me drawing but sometimes it happens that they notice. ‘Alone at the Pool’ is an example. I had just started drawing her head when she seemed to be aware of me drawing her. I wasn’t sure but I didn’t want her to be uncomfortable so I directed my attention to drawing the surrounding structures and scene. She soon forgot about me and by the time I came back to her she had moved into a completely different position and I had to make up most of her body. It turned out I sort of blew it and had drawn a structure where her feet should be, as you can see.
Long before Covid struck I was drawing masked people. It first started with beauty masks that people put on. I guess my wife must have done it a few times and I thought it looked really cool, I don’t remember for sure. But I know that ever since I’ve loved the image of a woman with a beauty mask on. Somewhere along the way I started drawing faces with patterns on them, like ‘plaid person peering’ and recognized that as another type of mask. Back in the 80s and 90s I was doing a lot of figure drawing, either in the classes I was teaching or on my own. I got bored with just drawing the figure so I started playing around with layering translucent clothing on top of the body, mostly just to see if I could develop the skill to do it. But that lead to me thinking about covering and uncovering one’s body with clothing and that led in turn to the idea of a mask on one’s face.
The first time I drew a person with an actual mask on was when I moved to Oklahoma. I got a new dentist, Dr. Laura Murcko, and we hit it off. I always bring my sketchbook to my appointments and at one point, after she had given my novacaine and we had a few minutes before it set in, I asked her if I could draw her and since she had her mask on that is how I started the drawing. I did just a quick sketch then did the rest later. I don’t know if I ever showed it to her because she moved away shortly thereafter.
I would occasionally draw someone with a mask, like my daughter when she was going to a masquerade ball, but for the most part if I drew someone with a mask, it was a made up image, at least the mask part was, like the church image. I really did draw the violinist but of course she did not have a beauty mask on at the time.
Of course then came Covid and there were people all around with masks on.
Back in the 1980s I was drawing in a sketchbook just as I am today. But back then I didn’t have any fancy pens, I just had regular black ball point pens. The good part of that is I could almost always guarantee I could find a pen if I needed to. The bad part…well, now that I look back on these drawings I am not sure there was a bad part. The cool thing about ball point pens is it isn’t all or nothing like my Copic ink pens are. I could press soft and get a soft line or hard to get a more solid line. That allowed for an ability to subtle shading that my Copic pens don’t allow. Maybe I will go back to the ball point, who knows!
I am not in contact with any of these people any longer. I often wonder what they look like now and think it would be fun to go back and draw them 30-40 years later! If you happen to know any of them, let them know their portrait from long ago is online.
These drawings were either done at Cabrillo College or Mission College where I taught, Eulipia Restaurant where I worked, Westminster Presbyterian Church or Asbury Methodist Church where I attended.
Because I draw in church I sometimes find myself drawing a bible story. As should be obvious, I don’t try to hew close to any literal accuracy. I do this for two reasons, first I don’t think the literalness of the bible stories is anywhere near the most important element. In fact, in many, if not most cases, I think a literal interpretation blinds oneself to the lessons the stories are meant to impart. And second, I am just too creative to worry about it while I am in the middle of drawing.
Here are some New Testament stories with the exception of the first one which is Ms. Eve from the Old Testament
Eve with Glasses
Eve wasn’t real. Neither was Adam. They were created to teach about how and why humans could be bad. It was a so so explanation for a while but then we got smarter and realized we shouldn’t go blaming Eve for anything. I mean, who puts a beautiful fruit tree in the middle of a garden and then tells the people not to eat from it with no explanation as to why? In the end I believe she was just a curious woman who wasn’t afraid to try new things.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph
The story goes that Mary and Joseph had a run of really bad luck and ended up having to have their first child on a bunch of straw surrounded by cows. But I don’t draw cows so well so they are surrounded by a dog and a cat instead, which I can draw pretty well. I drew them in the middle of the path because you know how pregnancies go, the kid is going to come out when it’s going to come out.
The Bad Chick
The story here is that a bunch of religious control freaks brought this woman to Jesus as a test. They told him she had sex and not with her husband and that meant she should be stoned, and not in the good way. If Jesus said, ‘Fine, go ahead and stone her.’ then he would lose a lot of followers who saw him as a champion of sinners. If he said, ‘Nope, don’t do it.’ Then they could claim he wasn’t obeying Judaic Law and have him thrown in jail as a false teacher. So he, being the wily dude that he was, sat down, scrawled around in the dirt for a while then said ‘Hey, if you don’t have any sin yourself, go ahead, stone her.’ This was a problem because then they would be setting themselves up to be perfect and to not need the law, which would not be a good look for them. So they all went away grumbling to themselves until it was just Jesus and this woman hanging around. He then simply told her she was free to go but best to not sin anymore. He didn’t say anything more but I suspect he might have added, ‘because if you get caught again I may not be around to push back against these idiots and then what will you do? Oh, and prostitution is demeaning and dangerous so come join our group instead if you want. We’ll feed and clothe you and you will be safe.’
The Ear Chopper and the Naked Runner
This story usually is all about Peter, a guy always seeming to be itching for a fight, getting in an actual fight. A fight so bad he actually cut off a guy’s ear. Of course the bible doesn’t actually say it was Peter but we all know Peter and he definitely has an ear chopper vibe about him. Jesus was being arrested at the time and whoever it was was thinking they were all going to fight to keep that from happening so he struck the first blow and plop, there went the poor centurion’s ear. Jesus stepped in and stopped any more violence by touching the guy’s ear and making it not chopped off and both sides calmed down. Miracles will do that to a crowd. But there is another part of this story that never gets talked about in church, probably because it involves a naked person, which is never something the church wants to talk about.
Anyway, in the Gospel of Mark 14:51 there is an addendum to this story. “A young man, wearing nothing but a linen garment, was following Jesus. When they seized him,he fled naked, leaving his garment behind.” I decided that I would illustrate that along with the ear chop. Any excuse for me to draw a naked person, ya know?
The Crucifixion
Nothing funny about this one. Jesus and two other guys are nailed to three crosses and left to die in the brutal, hot sun. The centurions mock him, beat him, smash thorns down over his head and spear him in the side. And they throw lots to see who gets his clothes. Brutal all around. Brutal for Jesus but brutal for his mom and followers (mostly women) who stayed around when he was arrested, tried and convicted and then went with him as he climbed up to Golgotha to be executed. His male followers, by the way, had all fled from the Garden the night before and were nowhere to be seen. It all around sucked.
This isn’t in the bible stories but the nails had to be taken out somehow by someone so I thought I would illustrate it. Since it was the women who went with him from the cross to the tomb I figure it had to be one of those women who took the nails out. Most likely it was one of the three Marys, either his mother Mary, his disciple Mary Magdalene or Mary his friend (and sister of Martha). Whoever did it, it had to be a horrible job that would scar the person forever.
Removing the Nails
Mary Magdelene at the Tomb
Once again, it’s the women who are essential to the story. Jesus was crucified on Friday which meant they couldn’t ritually cleanse and prepare the body for proper burial until after Sabbath, which would be Sunday Morning. John says it was Mary Magdalene all by herself who came and saw the tomb was empty. Matthew says it was Mary and the other Mary who came and was surprised to find the tomb empty. Mark says it was 3 women, Mary, Mary and Salome, who arrived to find it empty. And Luke says it was a group of women who arrived to find it empty.
Three Women at the Tomb
However it happened the story is the tomb was empty and Jesus was resurrected from the dead. Little did these women know what would come of this story.
Doubting Thomas
Doubting Thomas
Different Apostles have different personalities that come out in these stories. One of the best in my view is Thomas, who then and forever more became the patron saint of doubters (no, I don’t know if he really is that, but he should be). Why? Because he didn’t believe the other disciples when they said they had seen Jesus alive after he had died. Thomas did what any self-respecting skeptic would do and said, ‘Nope, sorry. Ain’t believin’ that whopper of a tale. Let me see him and put my finger in that nasty stab wound in his side that shoulda killed him. Then I will believe.’ So the story goes that that is exactly what happened soon thereafter. It had to have been pretty gruesome I am sure but it convinced Thomas and it couldn’t have hurt Jesus any worse than the original stab wound. Would you be a skeptic who needed to see, or would you not need proof, faith being enough?
There are tons of other stories of course but this is what you got for now. What do you think?
I love drawing pregnant people. I don’t get the chance to draw them from life very often but I make them up regularly in my sketchbook. Obviously the round shape of the belly is a perfect design element because of it’s shape but it’s so much more than that. One of the main reason is that it often is a decisive way to avoid sexualizing someone. I don’t mean that women who are pregnant aren’t sexually attractive. What I mean is that seeing pregnancy in art forces the viewer to look at something besides sexuality. The preeminent message of the pregnant image is about motherhood, family, children.
It’s can also be about pain, discomfort, confusion, fear, the future. The future is implicit in pregnancy because a child is due. It is also about the future of the mother and all the questions that go along with her having a new role, a new body transition, and new place in the world. For all those reasons I like playing with the maternal image.
Here are two galleries of paintings. The first is of clothed women and abstract spiral bodies. The second is of nudes.
Do you have one that stands out to you? Let me know what you think.
Artists I Love – Figures from the LACMA Permanent Collection
When we vacationed in LA in the summer of 2024 I knew I wanted to see the Los Angeles County Museum of Art (LACMA). It was one of my favorite museums when I was growing up in LA and when I lived there again as a young adult. The main reason I wanted to go was because of a special exhibition of Ed Ruscha’s lifetime of work. He is among the top artists in my life. You can see why in the post, ‘Artists I Love: Ed Ruscha‘ from 2015. The images in that post were from a retrospective of his work at the Denver Museum of Art and covers most of what was in the LACMA exhibition.
I didn’t know what I would find in the permanent collection but was very pleasantly surprised. I easily took over 100 photographs of the art in that collection and obviously had to edit it down. No surprise, I found the figurative theme most interesting. This selection is centered in the Expressionist paintings of the early 20th century. The paintings that are not in that movement either lead the way into the expressive use of form and color the expressionists are known for or show the lasting affect expressionism had on painting later in the century.
As anyone who has followed me for any time knows, I draw in church. I Became a Christian in 1976 and I think the earliest drawing I have from church is probably from about 1979. I continue to this day 45 years later.
This selection is from a bible that was given to me by a Pastor friend back in 1997. I drew in it from 1997 to1998. I didn’t draw over actual scriptural text, only over the opinion pages or blank areas. I liked having the text show through, sometimes because it helped inform the image and sometimes because it was a non sequitur to the image. Either way it adds interest to the image.
Part One is of people I have drawn with thoughts they may be thinking. Sometimes the thoughts may have stemmed from whatever the pastor was preaching about but often times it was just my imagination of what someone is thinking, unrelated to anything else.
Let me know if you have a favorite or if an image brings up some interesting thoughts of your own.
My wife and I went on vacation last week. We had airline vouchers we had to use by mid-June but we procrastinated deciding where to go because we couldn’t agree on a place. Finally it was getting down to it and we were talking about various place in California. Both places in California that we discussed had relatives we would either stay with or visit and as much as we love them we wanted this to be a ‘just us’ escape. Finally Linda said, How about LA? I said, sounds great! I was raised there so going back is always fun so off we went.
Each morning I got up early and walked a few blocks to Caffe Luxxe, a cool little spot on Montana Ave in Santa Monica near the ocean. I would get myself a Cafe Mocha and sit down to draw in my large sketchbook. It was fun because the same crowd was there most mornings and I got to know them and the staff. There were a lot of people in puffy coats and leggings!
When we left we sat at the departure gate for quite a while so I brought out my small sketchbook and did some quick drawings of those around me. During the flight I ink painted one of the drawings and gave her a thought that I saw reflected in her look.
I haven’t decided if I will paint the three cafe drawings but if I do I will edit this post and include those versions as well.
Click on a drawing to see it full size and scroll to see the rest.
The Impressionist Revolution – From Monet to Matisse
Selections from the Dallas Museum of Art Special Exhibitions
Not an Apple
A few weeks ago a friend of mine who was trying to make a political statement online showed an apple with accompanying text saying “This is a watermelon. If you see an apple it’s because you are a right wing conspiracy theorist.” The inference being it should be obvious to everyone it is an apple, not a watermelon, and those who think it’s a watermelon are being deceived by the main stream media. I called her out on this post, not only because I disagreed with her politics, but because she herself began by believing a lie. She said it was an apple. It was not an apple, it was a photograph of an apple.
An Impression
Simple as it may be, this is a mistake many people make about art as well and this was the delusion from which the Impressionists set out to free themselves. No longer were they going to create something that was built on a lie. They were no longer going to try to convince their audience the painting before them was actually the person, place or thing. They would paint in such a way that everyone would know it was not the real thing but a creative representation made with brushstrokes of paint on a two-dimensional surface. It was an impression. It was the most radical idea in the history of painting up to that point and it turned the art world upside down as a result. For many decades they were not accepted, they were even hated, because they broke a sacred illusion that had lived in art for hundreds of years, the illusion of reality.
The Geniuses
Here are 10 examples of paintings by some of the great impressionists and those that came them; the post-impressionists, the pointillists, and others. Take a look at the whole painting then at the close up showing the actual paint strokes. If you have a large screen view it on that. They were geniuses of the first order and the magic is real.
‘Wow, it looks just like a photograph!’ school of adoration
When you look at art in the future hopefully you will be less enamored with the ‘Wow, it looks just like a photograph!’ school of adoration. It isn’t the height of skill to be able to do that actually. Anyone can learn how, I know because I taught drawing for a decade and had students who couldn’t draw a stick figure render incredibly life-like drawings at the end because their skills improved. But the best of my students weren’t the ones who could do that. The best were the ones who had something interesting to say. They had a unique way of seeing and creating and their artwork reflected that. That, to me, is the sign of a true artist.
I draw in church and often it’s the back of the person in front of me. I have also drawn the backs of people in auditoriums, airline terminals, meeting rooms, waiting rooms and coffee houses. But it’s in church that I will most likely find the person facing away. In these cases I take advantage of the challenge. The challenge of drawing hair (never an easy thing), but even more so, of drawing personality without a face. That is hard. And the definition of success in that endeavor is different than if I have a full set of facial features to clue you into what the person is feeling or thinking.
I think of it as the difference between music with lyrics (facial features) to tell you what it’s about and instrumental music (no facial features) where you aren’t told something explicitly, but indirectly. In that case the music becomes much more individual, with interpretations not helped or impeded by word definitions. Having said that I don’t always obey the rule. I may not show a face but I sometimes I have thought bubbles that tell what the person is thinking.