Friends Through Life – Friendship #2


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The New Friend

Last year there was a woman who came into our running group. She was enthusiastic, positive, friendly and caring.  I thought from the first that she must have already known a number of the other runners. But no, she told me she had just moved here by herself only recently. She told me she had done it many times before and had learned that if she was to enjoy her life as a single woman in new locations she would have to make a deliberate effort to go out and meet people. She did this by joining groups, in this case our running group. And sure enough she gathered a group of good friends in short order.

The Gone Friend

Then she moved.  Just like that she was gone. Now, in the social media world people aren’t really ever gone, right? So, neither is she. I read her Facebook posts from her new location and guess what she is now enjoying?  She is now a hiker and a climber in the Rocky Mountains outside of Denver. And there is photo after photo of her with new friends she met in a hiking group she joined.

The True Friend

One other aspect of her appearance on the scene that I noted. She did not join our running group just to make friends, she also joined so she could be a friend. It wasn’t just her getting her friendship needs met, it was also about what she could offer others. In other words she gave as much as she got.

The Courageous Friend

Now, she is an extrovert and makes friends easy. I know not everyone is like that. But everyone still has a need for friendship and everyone still has to take responsibility for finding those friends, now matter what your personality type. If you move to a new place, get a new job, or enter a new phase of life, chances are people are not going to come out of the woodwork to befriend you. Even if they do, you have to decide to accept and contribute to that friendship.

It takes some courage to go out and make friends, but the results are worth the challenge.

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote by me, adapted from one by Samuel Johnson


Four That Took a Decade – Sketchbook History Tour

I’ve been drawing in sketchbooks for many decades now. I sometimes go back and revisit older books just to see what I did or to show others. Recently I did this with a series of sketchbooks from 2000 on.  I discovered a number of drawings I wanted to work on more, mostly in coloring and shading. Here are 4 drawings from this endeavor.

If you know my recent work you know I often write short stories to accompany my drawings. In these drawings though the stories or observations were written directly on the page.  I specifically went for stream of consciousness oriented narratives with long run-on sentences that imitated the way I actually experienced and thought about the moment.



‘Hoops’ 2003-2016

The classy student studying with the grey eyeshadow and glimmery lips while her boyfriend who looks young and too young for her reads a magazine with three bug bits on his ankle in a row looking like a constellation and she uses a blue and red pen & huge hoop earrings, the biggest i’ve ever seen with her left hand and very small delicate fingers with no polish in Norman, Oklahoma on a summer’s night that threatens to rain while the two girls behind her wear red Sooner shirts and read & talk about the young star who is too thin and I draw instead of read the manual on the class I am here for while I catch a bright pink purse pass by a tall guy sitting with yellow.



‘Veins’ 2003-2016

The tall thin woman at Panera with great veins reading her bible and taking notes and eating a bagel and ignoring that I am drawing her while she drinks coffee and contemplates divorce on a hot summer morning in Tulsa.



‘Splotchy’ 2003-2016

The woman looked like she had been crying; splotchy skin, red eyes & nose but she had not.



‘Ruby Lipgloss’ 2004-2016

The woman with the ruby lip gloss and zig zag parted hair looking at the person in the door and wondering if he noticed her perfume when he passed as she made a call to her boyfriend to ask if he picked up mascara for her.

Drawings and stories © 2016 Marty Coleman |


Apathy – Democracy #3


44% of the electorate did not vote in the Presidential election of 2016. That is over 90 million people who were eligible to vote but didn’t.  The percentage was even higher in the primaries.

I believe as Dwight Eisenhower did:  “Politics ought to be the part-time profession of every citizen who would protect the rights and privileges of free people and who would preserve what is good and fruitful in our national heritage.”  This includes voting down ballot, off year, primaries, bond and education issues, etc. They all matter.

Remember, it doesn’t happen by accident. It happens because we vote.

Drawing and commentary © Marty Coleman |

Quote is mine. It is a variation on one by Charles de Montesquieu

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My Hope



My father and my mother taught me a very important thing about electing our President.

That is always, no matter if your side wins or loses, hope the best. Hope that the new President is better than what you think he is. Hope that the actions aren’t as severe as his rhetoric has been. Hope that the gravity of the office will infuse this person with a conscience you don’t believe he possesses. Hope that our system of government, with its checks and balances, will wear down the rough edges so people aren’t hurt by his actions and words.

I hope these things, not because I am naive, but because I believe it’s the best way for me personally to move forward as a citizen of the United States.

What do you think?

You Are Democracy – 2016


It’s Simple

This is simple enough, right? We had a revolution unlike any in the history of the world so we could have control over our own government and those who do the governing. It’s never been perfect but its always been arching towards a more inclusive and complete democracy.  This 240 year old truth has been rare in the ongoing world of greedy autocrats and dictators.

We have a system that allows us to peacefully choose our leaders.  Don’t take it for granted, no matter what your political inclination. It doesn’t happen by accident.  It happens because we vote.

Make no excuses, get out and vote.

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote is mine, an adaption of one by Walter H. Judd

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Two Women Talking – 2004-2016


Two Women Talking – A Short Short Story

Chapter One

The woman with more hair who could do flamenco curls on her jaw if she wanted talking hesitantly to the friend with the thin eyes and arched eyebrows and lower lip that jutted out who was judging her friend’s mascara as too thick and dark (but I liked it) about why her boyfriend won’t commit and not knowing what to do and how she wakes up at night sure that someone is breaking in and she wonders if she should get a boob job to be more sexy for him and if that would help and her friend said maybe.

The End

Note: original ink drawing was done in 2004.  Color added in 2016.

Drawing and Story © 2016 Marty Coleman |


Promises vs Performance – Promises #4


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Today I am going to have surgery to remove a nasty bone spur on my left heel. It’s affecting my Achilles tendon to the point where it’s not just painful to run but is painful all the time. The surgery is major and I will be in a cast for a month and then an extensive period of rehab before I can run again. How long? it depends but 4-6 months is the estimate I have heard.

Hippocratic Oath

Why am I telling you this? Because it’s all about promises and performance. The Dr. promised to do the surgery as best he can when he took his Hippocratic Oath upon graduating from medical school. The nurses did the same when they took their oath and the hospital staff all promise to do their best when they get hired.  They all promise.

But none of those promises matter if they don’t deliver in their performance.  If the Dr. does the surgery wrong, if I get the wrong procedure done, the wrong amount of drugs, or have bad aftercare, then those promises weren’t worth very much.

My Promise

This is an outpatient procedure. I am in their hands for maybe 6-8 hours. Then I am going home. Of course I will be dependent on Linda, my wife, to fulfill her promise of help. But I when it comes to rehab I will primarily be depending on one and only one person to fulfill their promise, and that is me.

I can promise all my friends, family and all my fellow runners, those I coach and those who coach alongside me this: I promise to do what my physical therapist says. I promise to follow my Dr’s orders. I promise to not take too many drugs (or not enough, depending). I promise.

My Performance

But my promises won’t heal me. They won’t build my muscles. They won’t get me back to running. My performance will. So, I can think about it all I want. I can persuade and convince whoever will listen. But, in the end a promise is only something you depend on in advance of something. The performance is what you depend on in the middle of something. I have to perform to get better. Do I think I can do it? You bet. But have I done it yet? No, I have not.

Your Promise

So, promise you will keep a watch on me. Promise to encourage me if you think I need it. Promise to kick my butt if you think I need that. But mostly promise to bring by cookies if you decide that is a critical necessity.

I promise I will eat them (slowly)!

Drawing and commentary © Marty Coleman |

Quote by James Howell, 1594-1666, Angl0-Welsh writer


The Orange Promise – Promises #3


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The Orange Promise

The Orange Man promises. The Orange Man knows promising things is easy. He promises to pay people and they believe him. He promises to build things like walls and people believe him. He promises he can fix things for people and they believe him. He promises to make things great and people believe him.

The Orange Promise

The Orange Man doesn’t care about what happens after the promise is made. He doesn’t care because he knows how to blame other people for him breaking promises. He is very good at both breaking promises and blaming others for the breaking. He is good at it because he believes it. He believes nothing is his fault. He believes he has never done anything wrong. He believes he always knows what is right to do, even when he doesn’t know anything about the topic he is dealing with.

The Orange Brain

The Orange Man knows this because he has a good brain. He knows this because he thinks smart things. He knows he doesn’t need to study anything because he is so smart. He knows he doesn’t have to listen to others’ ideas about things because he is smarter than they are.  He knows this because he has good DNA.  He knows he was born smart, as well as good looking.

The Orange Attraction

The Orange Man knows women find him attractive. He knows they can’t keep their hands off of him because he is the most famous orange man in the world.  He knows it is his right to do whatever he wants to whatever woman he wants because he is so smart and so good looking and so rich and so famous. He knows this because he does it and he doesn’t get in trouble.

The Orange Matters

The Orange Man knows he is the only person who matters in the world.  He knows this because the only person who matters in the world told him so.

The End 

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote by George Santayana, 1863-1952, Spanish born Philosopher, Essayist and Poet


Forcing Vows – Promises #1


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What it Doesn’t Say

I had a conversation about this among my live streaming followers as I drew it. Someone said, so you can’t trust anyone’s promises? My response was to point out the wording, “when you MAKE someone promise”.  This is about coercing a promise, like coercing a confession.  When you do that, you are setting them up to lie to you.

Involuntary Vows

When the vow is voluntary, as it should be in say a wedding, then you should expect they are not under duress or being coerced and will abide by the vow.  Of course if it is an arranged marriage against the will of one of those betrothed, or a shotgun wedding due to pregnancy or some other supposed scandal, then it is by it’s very nature coerced and the vow is suspect.  That doesn’t mean the person is going to cheat or lie or anything else. It simply means the vow is probably getting in the way of them being honest, not helping them to be.

It’s something to watch out for in our own behavior when we try to get people to be honest with us.

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote by Molly Ringwald, 1968 – not dead yet, American actress and author (When It Happens To You, 2012)



Words vs Action – Promises #2


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It’s so prevalent that it’s become a cliche many times over: Put your money where your mouth is. Put a ring on it. Show me. Prove it. Watch what they do, not what they say. What it means is obvious. Promises mean nothing if you don’t back it up with actions.

Big Talkers

Those are the hard lessons for big talkers to learn. It’s also hard if you are prone to enthusiastic responses to inspirational speeches.  I know, because I am both.  I have my father’s Irish gift of gab, can propound on any number of things. In the past, I have taken that so far as to say I will or can do something.  This is especially flagrant if it was after someone has inspired me to volunteer for something.  But I often fell down on the job afterwards, inspired enough to promise something, but not dedicated enough to follow through.


Now I am less like that. I am still tempted but years of realizing the difference between promising something and delivering has made me much more cautious about making promises, especially of the grand and exalted kind.  Now I really try to work through whether the promise is something I can deliver on AFTER the inspirational moment has passed.  It means I promise less, maybe even do less. But it also means what I say I will do I am better at actually doing.

I think we all want to get to that point, right?

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote is a Russian proverb


I Draw in Church – Four Violinists

I draw in church.  I used to draw the pianist quite a bit but then the orchestra got so big I am no longer able to see her.  Now I draw other members of the orchestra, most often the French Horn player and the Violinists.  They sit where I have a good view of them and many of them stay during the sermon so I can draw them longer.

Here are 4 drawings from my violinist collection.


I have been drawing in church since I would say about 1981 or so, hard to say exactly. I go between drawing something or someone I see as accurately as I can, as in this drawing and making something completely up in my head having nothing to do with what is in front of me.

theviolinist2_2016_sm ‘

I don’t worry to much about getting the background exact. Sometimes I get most of it, sometimes just part of it and make up the rest.  In this case only the steps leading to the alter are accurate, with the donation bags full of school supplies sitting in front.


The style I have in each drawing usually depends on the pen I am using. If I use a brush pen the style is simpler, calmer.


Sometimes I will get only a portion of a person on the paper before he or she leaves or moves. In that case I will completely makeup the rest of the drawing.

Drawings and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |


The Coward – Power #3


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Creating a Coward

This quote starts with an assumption. It assumes we are all cowards. It’s just that some are more cowardly than others. Now, I don’t think in most cases that means intrinsically some are more cowardly.  I think it means circumstances, both internal and external, have made some turn and run. And it some cases it’s made people stay and fight but use really stupid and ineffective strategies in that fight.

So, if you want power in these situations one way to do it is to not just imagine someone is a greater coward than you are, but actually create the conditions where the other person has reached the point where they must turn and run. Or, if they do stay and fight, they are so overwhelmed that they fight ineffectively.

In either case, one of the best ways to do it is to have overwhelming force.  In other words, 3 pussy cats are better than one when fighting the orange man with the yellow cotton candy on his head.  30 is better than 3 and 300 million are better than 30.

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote by Ludwig Börne, 1786-1837, German journalist


Fighting Back – Power #2


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How Power Works

Here is an example of how power works. Let’s say an orange man with yellow cotton candy on his head attacks you. Since this is how he feels powerful (instead of actually BEING powerful) you should assume he will continue to attack you until you either can get out of the situation or you attack back.  You can also assume he will attack others since this need for the feeling of power is not going to go away.

How to Respond

If you are a pussy cat, you should have your claws sharpened in advance and not be afraid to use them. If you are a human you should also have your claws (verbal and physical) ready. Having your phone recording the interaction might be a good idea as well. If you can, you should tell someone immediately about the attack so that you have a record of it.  You should also write it down and record the date so the information is fresh.  Tell a reporter friend of yours about the attack. If you don’t have a reporter friend, get one.

Oh, and if he has his orange snake with him and uses it in the attack, you should be sure to claw it as well and call the police.

Power vs Power

In other words, power responds to greater power. This is especially true in the example of the orange man since his bullying and assaulting power is a facade hiding deep insecurities and hurts.  Gather all the resources you can to fight, especially if the man is orange.

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote by Malcolm X, 1925-1965, American Muslim leader and activist


Cat Fights – Power #1


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Cat Life

We have a new cat named Ninja. He is a great cat and we love him, so much fun and so silly. But he is feral in nature. Often when I put my hands out towards him to play he responds with teeth out, ready to defend.

We had another cat, Mayru, who was not like that at all. She barely ever fought or bit. She was fun, and loved to play, but just wasn’t that type of cat.

Ultimate Power

But what type of cat we have doesn’t really matter. What matters is my response to the cat.  I am the one with the ultimate power (even though a cat can bite and scratch pretty well).  I might play a little harder with Ninja than I did with Mayru but in both cases I am not going to force them to play when they aren’t interested, I am not going to attack them and I am not going to hurt them.

If I did that I would be guilty of animal cruelty.  My morals and ethics tell me that is not right and I wouldn’t do it.

Satisfaction and Conscience

If I came across someone who did abuse a cat (or any other animal or human) I would do my best to stop it. I also have to admit I would get some satisfaction seeing the cat attack back and get in a few bites and scratches.

One thing I know for certain, My conscience would not allow me to reward that abuser with my affection or support.


Drawing and commentary © Marty Coleman |

Quote by Elizabeth Janeway, 1913-2005, American novelist



Discovering Your Ignorance – Education #5


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Knowing Everything

Ever notice how a person who has just learned something new about a topic is often very adamant that they have learned everything about that topic? I see it happen often in young people BUT it really has no age. I see it in myself and I am not a spring chicken. I am less like this now than when I was young, but there are so many topics and so much to learn that it never completely goes away.

Knowing a New Everything

For example, I became a Christian at age 21 and I will have you know I knew everything about it in short order.  Fast forward 30+ years and after a long intellectual and spiritual journey I decided I was still a Christian, but was now a Christian Atheist. What does that mean? It means I no longer believed in the existence of spirit beings but I believed in the teachings of Jesus on how to live in this world.  I will have you know I knew everything about it.

Unknowing Everything

Fast forward another 10 years and now I am a Christian Agnostic.  What does that mean? It means I still believe in the teaching of Jesus on how to live in this world but I have studied enough about science to realize that the discoveries science has made in almost every field would have been so unbelievable just 20-100 years ago as to be claimed as preposterously absurd.  That tells me the mysteries still out there are also preposterously absurd according to our present understanding of things and might change our understanding all over again.

Peaceful Unknowing

What that means for me is that while I don’t see direct evidence of spirit beings and I don’t see direct evidence of of a God, especially a traditional God that has his/her fingers in the human pie on a minute by minute basis, I just know there is too much we don’t know for me to say it definitely.  And that put me in the most peaceful place I can be in, a place where I am open to learn and not threatened by new ideas in any area.

Coda: Dark Matter

If you are wondering what exactly it is in scientific ideas of recent years that makes me say all this, simply look up ‘Dark Matter’ and try to wrap your head around what it is.  That should convince you.  The book ‘Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs’ is a good book to read if you are willing to dive deep into it.

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote by Will Durant, 1885-1981, American Author. His most famous contribution was the 11 volume ‘Story of Civilization’ written with his wife, Ariel Durant.


Teamwork is an Individual Sport – Teamwork #5


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Here is the most ironic thing about teamwork is that each individual has to do their own individual job for it to succeed.  Now, it is true that each individual doesn’t have to perform perfectly at every moment.  And it is also true that on a team individuals pick up the slack for one who isn’t able to perform. Nonetheless, no team succeeds if all the individuals fail.

In Concert

What that means is there isn’t some magical potion that transforms all the individuals into one entity. They remain individuals with their own thoughts, their own drives, their own motives.  BUT, if the leader is doing things right then those thoughts, drives and motives, while still belonging to the individual, are in concert with the other teammates.

Examples in Life

Being an example is another successful element of teamwork that often goes overlooked.  The individual on the team who successfully sweeps away fear motivates his or her teammate (or neighbor) to do the same.  The individual who keeps anger under control helps others on the team believe they can do the same.  And the individual who does not descend to hate inspires the teammate to do the same.

These individuals can be doing it for themselves but they are also doing it for each other.  This is how teams win, this is how societies become better.

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote is a Polish proverb


Life Itself – Education #4


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Here are 10 things you aren’t likely to learn in school.

  • How to wash dishes.
  • How to grow old.
  • How to raise kids.
  • How to be broken hearted.
  • How to buy insurance.
  • How to retire.
  • How to lose weight.
  • How to go broke.
  • How to communicate.
  • How to be silent.

What else would you add to this list?

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote by John Dewey, 1859-1952, American educator and reformer


Beyond Schooling – Education #3


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Purpose of School

School, as wonderful as it can be, has a purpose. And it isn’t to make you educated. It’s to make you educated so you will be a contributing member of our society.  That means so you can hold a job that contributes, or start a company that contributes.  Some schools also want you educated in such a way that you are a positive influence in society. At least according to that society. That might mean you are a good consumer, or give to charity, or compete well on the athletic field.

In other words, the education want to educate you to fit in. And I don’t think that is that bad a thing. I don’t mind fitting in somewhat.

Purpose of Education

But fitting in has it’s limits.  If your goal is to only fit in then a good schooling works well for you and for your society. BUT if you want to  expand beyond that fit, then you need to be educated beyond school.  You need to keep learning on your own.  Because learning on your own is how you will reshape your society for the better. It’s how you will challenge and change worn out traditions and prejudices. It’s how you will illuminate and bring to fruition new visions of art, science, nature, ideas, morality, spirit, and more.

Purpose of You

Your purpose is not just to fit in.  Your purpose is to become you.  Part of you will fit in, and that is good. But another part, no matter how small or large, should aspire to break those bonds. That part of you should work to learn as much as you can in whatever area you want, apart from society’s purpose for you.

Because if you do that, you will not just fit in to society, you will at the same time shape it into something better, something that says you have been here.  That is a good thing.

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote by Mark Twain, 1835 – 1910, American Humorist


The Stupidity of the Educated – Education #2


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Educated vs Educated

I get annoyed when ‘college educated’ becomes confused with ‘educated’.  There are many people who have gone to college and graduated, and they are rightly classified as ‘college educated’. But does that mean they are actually educated in the broader sense?  I think there is a strong case to be made that that might not be the case for a good portion of those graduates.

I know this makes me sound like some sort of elite education snob. Guess what? I am an elite education snob. I believe in a full and complete, well-rounded, broadly general and inclusive education. I don’t believe college should just be a ‘major factory’ for business or jobs. For us to have a great civilization it also should be, it needs to be, a incubator for intellectual development and critical thinking in the classic disciplines of a liberal education.

Don’t be fooled though, when I say ‘liberal’ I am not talking about it in the political or social sense. It has nothing to do with liberal vs conservative. I am talking about it’s meaning in education, which is specific. It means a broad based, well-rounded education in multiple disciplines.


But, the argument may be given, you can only learn so much in 4-5 years of college. And you do need to think about it having some practical reasons behind all that money and time being put into it.  I agree with that.  That is one reason why, even if you have the best liberal education possible, it isn’t enough.  It isn’t enough for one very important reason. Proper learning in college should always have as one of its main outcomes the realization that what you know now is not complete.  There will be new discoveries in science, art, math, politics, environment, religion, philosophy and more. The education of the world does not stop when you get your diploma and neither should yours.

A Proposal

I have had this idea for a while. I propose there be college after college.  I don’t mean ongoing education to get mastery in a specific skill or area. I mean tune ups of ideas and information.  I mean going back to relearn and expand what you learned way back when. And to add in new areas where you never learned anything in the first place.

And not only that, but I propose we have another graduation later in life. Perhaps every 10-12 years or so.  32, 42, 52?  Or maybe 28, 38, 48, etc.?  I like the idea of continuing those traditional transitions of our youth into rituals in adulthood as well.  I am not sure of the details, but I like the idea.

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote by Will Rogers, 1879 – 1935, American Humorist


Your Troubles – Responsibility #1


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Who is to Blame?

Was it traffic that made you late?  Did your friend make you eat that piece of cake?  Was the boss to blame for you not completing your task because she talked your ear off?  The answers always lead in one direction or another. They point somewhere.  Will they always point to you? Of course not. But check how often they point to you. If never? You are living a delusional lie about your part.  If always? You are living a delusional lie about your part.


The truth is, we will always have someone else to blame if we want to. And sometimes that will be right.  But often what seems right at the surface, isn’t.  For example.  Your boss talks your ear off and so you missed getting a report in on time. Her fault, right? No, not her fault. Your fault. Why your fault? Because you didn’t find a way out of the conversation (or monologue) and get back to work.


“BUT, she’s my boss. I can’t just tell her to shut up.” No, you can’t.  But you can ask her if you can talk to her later about this because you are on a deadline, right?  You can take into account she comes by your desk every work day at 4pm and talks so you had better make sure you have the report done, or close to done, by that time, right? You can do preliminary work on the report knowing there will likely be delays later in the day, right?  You can do something in most cases. It’s just a matter of whether you have thought of it and if so, are willing to do it.

Other’s Fault, Your Responsibility

You see my point? Even if it is her fault for being such a talker, it’s still your responsibility to get that report done. It’s up to you to figure out how to do it and make that happen. It’s not up to her to not talk so much, it’s up to you to figure out how to deal with it and still be successful in your job.

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote by Theodore Roosevelt, 1858 – 1919, 26th US President (1901-1909)



The Engine of Curiosity – Education #1


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Home Schooling

When our daughter’s were young we home schooled them for 3 years.  For the youngest, Chelsea, it was Kindergarten through 2nd grade, Connie it was 1st – 3rd, and Rebekah it was 3rd – 5th.  We didn’t do it for religious reasons, even though we were within a church that had a lot of home schooling families.  We did it primarily because we could.  My wife at the time, Kathy, was a teacher and, after seeing so many others in the church do it, decided she could do it too. This took a lot for her since she was up until then not a very confident person.  But she believed it and we did it. It was a great time for our family and our kids. It was wonderful in many ways but the way that was most important in my children’s life was this:  There was no idea of school is where you get educated and home is not.  On the contrary, everywhere is where you got educated. Home, street, groups, books, church, museums, nature, grandparents, etc. It didn’t matter where you were, you were learning.


And that all-inclusive idea of education was driven by curiosity.  If you are learning about science in your back yard while checking out bugs, then it’s very likely you will always be curious about the bugs in your backyard.  If you are learning about the history from your Grandfather who fought in WWII then very likely  you will always be curious about the lives older people have lived.  If you are learning about art from your dad, seeing him working in his studio every day, then you are likely to be curious about creativity in others for the rest of your life.  Curiosity is the engine.

Around The Bend

So, does that mean you or your kids have to have been home schooled to be life-long learners? Of course not. Home schooling was just a part of my daughter’s upbringing that contributed.  Just as important was the example their mother and I set by being curious and willing to explore well after our formal education was over.  And all that really was was an enthusiastic curiosity about what was around the bend.  Instead of fear of the unknown I tried to instill in them a curiosity of it.

Not Reckless

Of course, that isn’t the same as being reckless or stupid.  One needs critical thinking skills, good judgment and wisdom, but those things don’t preclude being curious about life. They just allow your curiosity to proceed with a modicum of safety is all.

I encourage you to embrace your curiosity about life, don’t be afraid of it.  It is much better to fear a life not lived then one that has been lived to the max, right?

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote is anonymous with many variations from multiple sources

“Curiosity is the engine driving a good education”

Intentions are Nothing – Decision Making #6


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The Road to Hell

You’ve heard the saying, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”, right?  What does it mean?  Since nobody wants to go to hell, it obviously means good intentions are misleading.  You think you are paving the way to heaven, or accomplishment, success, fame, wealth, happiness, security, love, etc. but instead you end up in hell? How can that be?

It’s not because good intentions are evil, it’s because good intentions are nothing.  They are ephemeral ghosts that flit about and then disappear. They can’t be built on and they can’t be walked on.  What they can do is fool people.  They tell people they are actually doing something when they aren’t.  They tell people they are making progress in life, when they aren’t.  They tell people they are becoming better people, when they aren’t.

Good intentions are nothing, and doing nothing in life is the fastest way to be in hell now and find hell in the future.

The Road to Elsewhere

So, if good intentions are nothing, what is something?  Action is something. Hard work is something. Practicing what you preach is something.

Making an idea into a reality isn’t good intentions, it’s good action. It might start with an idea and a determination to make that idea real, and that is good. People need vision and ideals. But they are the ink on the paper in the recipe book. They are nothing without the ingredients being put together to actually make the recipe into food.



Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote by Peter Drucker, 1909-2005, Austrian-born American Management consultant and author


Artists I Love – Neil Jenney

Neil Jenney From 1982-1994 I worked on getting my Master of Fine Art degree from San Jose State University in California.  I took a number of high level art theory and criticism seminars where studied intensely studied the recently past and current styles in the art world.  Foremost among those at the time was Neo-Expressionism.  There were many compelling artists working in this style that I liked, including David Salle, Robert Longo, and Eric Fischl.  In addition we studied other strains, including the Pattern and Decoration movement, which I liked quite a bit. One artist I discovered at the time stood out to me.  He stood out because he was was not part of these or other contemporary movements. He was completely unique; sophisticated, astute in his subtle social and political messaging and unabashedly contrarian in his relationship with current art. His name is Neil Jenney and he is the next artist in my ‘Artists I Love’ series.  Links to the other artists in the series can be found in the menu above and in a list at the end of this post.

Window #6, oil on panel with painted wood frame, 1971-1976

What you see here is one of the signature paintings of his career.  It’s a detailed oil painting of a landscape, but not one where you can see much. It’s as much about what you can’t see as what you can.  It’s seems to be a window high up in a room, you are looking out, but what really is out there? You can’t see much, just the tree and the sky. But you can also see something that doesn’t seem to fit. A cloud that almost looks like a marshmallow. It’s way too perfectly formed to be a real cloud so what is it?  Good question.  Too bad you can’t see more, right?  Or wait, maybe not seeing more is what makes you think more intensely about what isn’t there. Maybe your imagination is engaged.  Maybe it’s great art because of that.  I think it is.
But let’s go back a bit to get a little better glimpse of the ideas behind his work. BAD PAINTING What you see below is a bad painting.  It’s bad on purpose to make a statement. Back in the late 60s a new genre came into being called ‘Photorealism’.  Artists took a photograph of a scene and painted it to an extreme level of accuracy. They actually enhanced the scene often to be even MORE realistic than the photo.  Neil Jenney hated this trend. He understood the technique took some skill but for what purpose?  To just recreate a photograph? He saw it as soulless and trite. He said to a friend that instead of having a bad idea and doing it well, “it would be better to have a good idea and do it terrible!”  Which is exactly what he did.  He called it good drawing, bad painting.

Saw and Sawed, acrylic on canvas with painted wood frame, 1969

Here is an example of the art Jenney was seeing when he decided to go in the opposite direction.

Robert Bechtle, Alameda Gran Torino, 1974, oil on canvas

He continued in this vein for a few years and was rewarded with his work being designated as ‘bad painting’, not as a derogatory critique, but as a positive statement about a new sort of realism.

Birds and Jets, Acrylic on canvas with painted wood frame, 1969


Threat and Sanctuary, acrylic on canvas with painted wood frame, 1969


Girl and Doll, Man and Mirage

What do all these have in common besides the ‘bad painting’ technique?  They are all about a relationship between two things.  The purposeful lack of details in both the paintings and the titles were Jenney’s ingenious way of being a social and political artist without being pedantic or propogandistic. His message is a starting point of an idea, a hint towards a concept that the viewers have to figure out for themselves.  It’s one of my favorite attributes of great art and he does it immaculately in these paintings.
GOOD PAINTING The good paintings were a result of two things. One, the limits of doing ‘good drawing, bad painting’, and two, the plethora of artists who had started to do similar work.  Jenney is a contrarian and really dislikes doing what the crowd does.  The combination of those two things caused him to decided to do ‘good drawing, good painting’.  He started doing very detailed and highly accurate realistic paintings.  But, as in the bad paintings, he does not spell things out. He just gives clues.  The good paintings are as much about what is not seen beyond the frame as it is what is in the frame. It also is about the relationship between words and images, as are the ‘bad paintings’.  It’s another element that resonated with me, as you can tell by how prevalent words are in much of my work.

Meltdown Morning, 1975, oil on board with painted wood frame

It’s not the best reproduction but in the distance on the right you can see the hint of yellow. That could be a sunrise but it could be a nuclear accident.   There is power in the ambiguity and simplicity, as well as in the contrast between nature and man.

North America Acidified, oil on panel with painted wood frame, 2013

A beautiful scene of nature, but the ominous title says something else might be going on.

Atmospheric Formation – Rabbits, oil on panel with painted wood frame, 2005

Sometimes it’s just light hearted play Jenney indulges in.

Morning, Evening, oil on panel with painted wood frame, 2012

I love these images because they just say so much about perception and how minimal it can be and one can still know exactly where you are and what time of day it is.

Ozarkia,  oil on panel with painted wood frame, 2012


North American Aquatica, Oil on Panel with painted wood frame, 2006-07


Modern Era, Oil on panel with painted wood frame, 2006

I think this is a very sophisticated critique of modern art. Not pedantic or overly weighed down with opinion, but in it’s simplicity one can see the disdain.
Improved Picassos Here’s an idea for a sure fire way to be criticized: Decide you can improve upon the paintings of the perhaps the greatest artist of the 20th century.  Jenney decided to do just that.  He happened to see someone in the Port Authority terminal in NYC selling painted reproductions of Picasso paintings. He bought one from him and decided to improve it, fixing what he saw as incomplete or bad passages in the art.  Then he framed them how he would like to see them, instead of the way he saw them framed in the famous museums of the world. It’s a cheeky and pretentious effort to do something like this, but Jenney didn’t care about what others would think. He wanted to ‘fix’ them so he did. Other people didn’t like it? Too bad for them.  I have to admit I really love that ‘in your face’ attitude he has. It’s liberating for artists to see this and realize decisions about our creativity are ours to make, not someone else’s. He eventually commissioned the artist who did the original copies, Ki-Young Sung, to paint specific Picasso pieces he had always wanted to rework.

Improved Picasso – Boy and Horse, original on left


Improved Picasso – Marie Therese Leaning, original on right


Improved Picasso – Igor Stravinsky


Improved Picasso – Bathers


Improved Picasso – Woman

Conclusion Neil Jenney is my favorite type of artist, maybe because I feel a kinship with his outsider status. Outsider doesn’t mean uneducated, unsophisticated, or untalented. It simply means the artist does not fit in, either on purpose or by virtue of place, time and style, with the prevailing trends of art at the time.  He or she can still be quite popular among collectors and other art people, but it’s a popularity based more on genuine admiration for the work than on any commercial or social advantage one might get by having a piece by the artist.

Photo courtesy of artist

Links and Resources Improved Picassos – The Creators Project, 2016 An Artist Reluctant to Sell Himself – NY Times, 2013 The Painting of the Future – West Broadway Gallery and Jenney Archives Lofty Ambitions – Neil Jenney Frames Himself –

Article © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Avoiding Pain, Discomfort and Death – Decision Making #5


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Not Judging

We had a discussion on Periscope the other day about decision making. It was about this idea and the idea in the blog post before this one, about not judging life events as good or bad, just experience them with minimal judgment. It would lead to less stress and anxiety and more happiness and peace.

People of Faith

Not easy to do of course, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done.  But how?  Many people would say by having faith. But I have been in the Christian church now going on 40 years and I have seen very few people who don’t fret just as much about the future as those who don’t attend church and say they don’t believe in God, afterlife, etc.  That doesn’t mean people of faith don’t talk a good game, they do. The script is all there in the bible that you just don’t have to worry. Paul says it again and again in his letters. Peter says it, Jesus says it.  It’s a big part of Christianity.  But barely anyone (that I know at least) actually lives it out in day to day practice.

The Avoidance List

Why is that?  What is it about the unknown future that we really fear?  Death? Pain? Discomfort? Does fearing those things help us avoid them? Well, we know we can’t avoid death so that obviously is a problem. But we can avoid it for a while, right?

Here is a list to help you avoid death:

  • Eat well
  • Exercise well
  • Have really good genetics
  • Don’t step on a land mine

Same goes for pain. Here is a list to avoid pain:

  • Do nothing aggressively physical
  • Don’t get in any relationships
  • Don’t have kids
  • Don’t get blown up on a boat (I didn’t avoid that)

And if you want to avoid discomfort? Here is what you should do.

  • Never meet people, cultures or ideas you don’t understand or like.
  • Never get a brazilian wax job
  • Never eat hot chili peppers
  • Never wear tight pants, tight bras or tight hats.

All those ways can be summed up in one rule. Don’t do anything.  That will help you avoid all those terrible things in life.

Ok, I Lied

The truth is a life of couch sitting, of never thinking or experiencing anything new is living death. Seeing all the fun, vitality and love others are experiencing in life is a greater pain emotionally and physically than going out and experiencing the world and the risks in it.  And by far the deepest discomfort in life is realizing you are afraid of everything.

So, get out there, open that gate, swim that ocean, climb that hill.  You will experience discomfort, pain and yes, even death eventually.  But the alternative? You are already dead.

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote by Edwin Markham, 1852-1940, American Poet


Not Seeing Good or Bad – Decision Making #4


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Good and Bad

This might sound like a terrible thing.  You are going to have trouble no matter what you choose? That sucks. But that isn’t really the end of the story, is it?  Beyond each danger maybe there is a blessing, right?  Then again, beyond each blessing who knows, maybe another blessing, maybe another danger.

Looking Back

Many people, when they reach a certain point in life look back and say, ‘Everything that has happened in the past, good and bad, has led me to this point.’  Isn’t that another way of saying that those seemingly bad things that happened really weren’t that bad and the good things that happened weren’t necessarily all that good?

Here and Now

Looking back is one thing, it’s easy to do. But what if you avoided this yin yang of categorizing everything into gain or loss as the events happened? What if you experienced them in your mind as as neutral events instead? How would that help your health, both physical and mental, while living in the present AND looking at the future?  Less stress, less judgment, less worry, less anxiety might be the result.  More peace, more happiness, more confidence might also be the result.  It’s something to think about.

The Chinese Farmer

There is a famous old story about a chinese farmer who did just that.  Here is a great animation that tells the story. It is being told by Alan Watts, a deep thinker who delved into Taoist philosophy.

Brain Pickings

One of my favorite websites is ‘Brain Pickings‘.  You can read more about Alan Watts and his ideas on fortune and misfortune there. There you can also find links to more in depth sites dealing the Watts, his philosophy and books.

Drawing and commentary © 2016 Marty Coleman |

Quote is a Dutch proverb