Particular Care and Attention – updated 2017

This is the 5th and final day of the feminism series. I hope you have enjoyed them and have passed them on if you were so inclined.

Who wrote this? Some radical, wild-eyed commie pinko feminist of the 20th century? No, it was Abigail Adams, wife of our 2nd President, John Adams. Obviously from the quote you can surmise she was not alone in this statement. The ‘We’ she is talking about were New England women, raised in a relatively traditional religious atmosphere.

But they were as smart and educated as their husbands. Maybe not in formal schooling, but they read the same books of the enlightenment. They read the same pamphlets. They saw the same spirit of liberty and equality rising up as their husbands saw.

But they knew that the liberty did not really extend to them. They knew lip service was given, but that is not liberty. They knew some men were inclined to agree with them, but that is not liberty.

Standing up for yourself and your cause is the act that forces those who are not voluntarily willing to give liberty to all to give it anyway. Adams didn’t see the day, nor did her daughter or granddaughter. Maybe her Great granddaughter did. But however long it took, you can see it now. Are you grateful for that? Are you aware of the blessing?

I am not talking to women here. I am talking to men and women. I am a man, but I have no interest in living in a world where half of the population, in many ways the smarter half, don’t have a voice, don’t have a vote and can’t contribute as they should be able.

Just don’t forget our history.

Drawing and commentary © Marty Coleman

 “If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion, and we will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.” – Abigail Adams, 1744-1818, American mother, wife, writer, political adviser, revolutionary, activist