Vaginas and Penises – updated 2017

Day 2 of my feminist series. That, of course, means these are feminine napkins.

In the US we seem to have made great progress (though not complete) towards equality in job opportunity among the sexes. I know it isn’t equal in all industries though and there are two reasons for this; men and women.

Yes, in most cases, it’s men in charge and men with the attitude that says women can’t do it. But there are also women in those industries who believe the same thing. They have bought into the idea that they can’t do the job.

For that to change, the mindsets of both men and women have to change. Women need the courage to fight for the jobs they want, men need to courage to overcome their outmoded prejudices and see that that the world will not fall apart just because changes come.

Drawing and commentary © Marty Coleman

“There are very few jobs that require a penis or vagina. All other jobs should be open to everybody.” – Florynce Kennedy, 1916-2000, American lawyer and activist. Read about her amazing life here.