I am speaking at Blog World in New York in about 2 weeks. The title of my talk is ‘Overcoming Procrastination from Start to Finish’. I am going to document my preparation for the presentation from now until the day of the talk, Wed. June 6th.
As a result I am deep into figuring out the themes, graphics, words, images, napkins, schedule and organization of it all. I want to be prepared and I don’t want to procrastinate. I don’t want to make the mistake of thinking ‘someday’ will actually come. I need to plan it with real days not pretend days. I need to organize it so that by the time I am standing on the stage in front of the (put in hopeful large number here) people in attendance I will be able to give them something of value.
Something of Value
I can give them something of value in direct relation to how well I know the material and how refined that material is. That means I can only think about it so long before I have to actually practice the presentation. It’s in the practicing that I will learn what works. To practice I need to have the presentation lined out and organized at the draft level. I don’t need all the images and I don’t need every word in place, but I do need to have the basic theme outlined and organized. I find that even that will likely change but I start with something that way.
Since I am doing this as ‘The Napkin Dad’ the majority of images will come from my napkins. Thus, I need to prepare a good set of napkins that will illuminate the theme and the ideas. That means finding past napkins, which I can only really do if I have them named consistently and well organized in my electronic files. It also means creating new ones that meet the direct needs of this presentation and today is Procrastination napkin #1
Your Contribution
So, here we are. Day 1 of my blog journey to Blog World in New York. What I am looking for from you are your pearls of wisdom about procrastination. Why you think it happens, what you do about it, what is good about it, and what your favorite procrastinating activity is. Whatever other insights, references or resource you have I would love to hear all about them.
Drawing by Marty Coleman, who tried out for the Procrastination Olympics that were never held.
Quote by someone too lazy to demand attribution so Mr. Anonymous gets the credit
Can you find the secret, subliminal, self-advertisement in the napkin today? Let me know in the comments if you find it.
I am not a pacifist. I believe there are times to use force. But there are definitely times not to as well. Trying to persuade a people of something is not a good time to be violent. You may get them to submit, no doubt. But you won’t get them to convert to the idea you want them to.
Force is not always violence. Force can sometimes be verbal or material coercion based on shame, guilt, ignorance, lies. You take away enough of a person’s material sustenance and they will submit to your idea. But you won’t get them to truly believe it, only persuasion can do that. You can manipulate all you want. It can even look like victory for a while. But it will not succeed in the long term.
Persuasion, true honest persuasion, is the result of freedom to argue, debate, talk, reason, ponder, listen, walk away, reject, agree and disagree. And being free from the threat of violence is the only way to do that effectively.
Drawing by Marty Coleman, who put a secret self-advertising message in the napkin today.
Quote by Anonymous, who always puts secrets in my drawings and I don’t even know it.
I promise you won’t be debauched if you read today’s napkin on day #4 of Persuasion week. Really.
I am a sucker for political speeches. Give me a great orator at his or her best and I will easily be persuaded. I take them at their word, I believe they are sincere in what they say. Then the speech ends and I compare their words to reality. If they don’t match up, forget it. But that doesn’t spoil my joy in hearing the speech. I just put the brakes on and stop myself from being a converted cult member by thinking through the ideas, claims, and goals to see if I really agree or not.
What about you, are you a fan of great speeches, even if you don’t believe a word they are saying once the speech ends?
If you’re my friend, you’ll read #3 in my Persuasion series. If you aren’t my friend yet, I hope that changes soon!
Have you ever planned a grand adventure with a stranger? Have you ever decided to do something scary, maybe even dangerous, because a stranger asked you to? Not likely. It usually takes a friend to convince us to do crazy things.
It also usually takes a friend if we are going to be persuaded to believe something new, something opposite of what we might have believed in the past. Whether it’s ideas about the universe and God (or no God), politics, cultural affairs or even science, we are much more likely to consider new ideas if it is a friend who sets the idea before us.
Are wanting to be influential? Be a friend first.
Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman, who is a friendly fellow and has yet to be President.
Quote by Abraham Lincoln, who was a friendly fellow and was President.
I hope I don’t have to persuade you to read my ‘Persuasion Series’ this week at the NDD.
I am not a licensed counselor but I have counseled my family, friends, students, and strangers about all sorts of things for many years. There is one recurring concept I try to persuade them to grab on to when they want something to happen and they have to persuade someone else in order for that to happen. I say this: “Explain to them why it is in THEIR best interest to help you.”
Have you ever watched those reality TV shows where the participant is asked at some point, “Why do you think you deserve to remain in the competition?” The participants will unfailingly say something like, “I really want this.” or “I really need this.” What I don’t hear nearly enough is “Because I know I can help you better than any of the other participants and I want to do that.”
The host and producers of that reality TV don’t care if you need it or want it. They care if you are who THEY need and want. You actually have to convince them of that, not anything else. You have to help them see why it is in their best interest to keep you, not in your best interest.
It’s exactly the same in business, in relationships and in a million other areas. If your reasons don’t meet up with their interests, your reasons really don’t matter.
Drawing by Marty Coleman, who has talked his way in and talked his way out.
I am going to do Wordless Wednesdays for the next couple of weeks. You add the quote, caption, concept, idea, whatever you think the drawing is saying.
The cast of characters include Singing Snake, Wiggle Dog, Wormy Worm and Not, the Bluebird.
Drawing by Marty Coleman, who likes bear claws best of all.
I think this will end up being an indispensable philosophical addition to your day.
Control out of Control
When we first joined our Sunday School group back in the 1980s there was a young wife and mother who had ALS. She had suffered for many years and many of the group tended to her diligently. I didn’t know her, but I heard enough to know that when she was healthy she was in charge of every minute detail of her family’s life. Everything the kids did, everything her husband did, was controlled, or was attempted to be controlled, by her. It was a bit of a burden on the family for her to be like that but it was what it was.
I remember members coming into Sunday school and talking about how she was suffering, not just physically, but mentally as well because as she became immobile she was reduced to only being able to watch, frozen in her body, unable to control things the way she used to. It was very hard on her to watch the control slip out of her fingers.
Control interrupted
They told of her last push of control as she neared death. That was to plan her own funeral. She still had control of her eyes and they all knew when she was not happy with how they interpreted her plans. She gave them an intense look that said ‘I want it THIS way, not THAT way.’ They planned it exactly as she wanted, down to the nth degree.
When she died there was some relief among her friends and family because the struggle had been so hard and so long and her suffering had been so great. The funeral went off without a hitch, though they did change a few things. You can bet they were looking over their shoulders expecting her to come back and give them the stare.
Dispensing with Being Indispensable
We all have moments in which we think, the world just will NOT go on as it should unless I take control. I am needed and without me it just will not happen. Whenever you feel that way, stop and take the water test. The truth is, the world will fill in. It’s not that you will be forgotten, it’s that those around you will adapt to you not being there. It will be hard, it will be painful and it might leave wounds and scars, but there will be adaption and they will make their way in a full world.
Our job as parents, friends, spouses, business partners, isn’t to become indispensable, because that really can’t happen. Our job is to enable, motivate and inspire those around us to be able to deal successfully with life whether we are there or not. That is an indispensable lesson.
I hope I become a famous celebrity for posting Napkin #3 of Heroes Week!
Autographs, Please
I remember reading an article in Flying magazine once about my father. The article was about his exploits as a test pilot in the 1950s, for which he became quite famous. He was famous for a brief while among the general population and has had continued fame within the aviation community ever since. Still, to this day, I get regular inquiries and requests to interview him, visit him, have autographed photos of him sent. I sent one to Scotland a few years back.
Skeets Coleman (right) and engineer with the XFY-1 POGO
Legend in Residence
The article started out talking about how the author met my father. He met him when my father was hired to be Publisher of Business and Commercial Aviation Magazine. But that is not what the author said. He said he met him when my father was hired to be ‘Legend in Residence’ (or something close, the exact words escape me right now). I understand that when you are very high up in business they are often hiring your reputation, not just you. They wanted the cache of saying they had a legendary aviator at the helm. It gave their enterprise gravitas and authority. I get that.
Skeets Coleman and Jerry Brown
Skeets Coleman and Michael Bloomberg
Celebrity vs Substance
At the same time it did seem, in my eyes, to diminish his accomplishments during the rest of his career in aviation. He didn’t just fly one amazing test flight and then do nothing. He had also been a fighter/bomber pilot in WWII, an airport owner, a salesman of high end corporate jets, a corporal in the Marine Reserves, an inventor and innovator in aviation equipment and airplanes. And he was now at the helm of a very important and influential magazine in his industry. None of those things brought him the fame of his test pilot exploits, and rightly so. The test flights he took were legendary and they deserved to be. As a matter of fact, as the years past his flights are seen in higher regard not lower. The farther we get from the time of the flights the more amazing it seems his accomplishments were. But his other endeavors were valuable, good and worthy of recognition. They proved him to be a man of substance throughout his life, not just an aviation celebrity for one event.
Skeets Coleman on Johnston Island during WWII
Skeets Coleman (3rd on right, front row) and Squadron in WWII
I started this out not knowing it would turn into an essay about my father. But his life is the root of my personal understanding of both hero and celebrity. I like that he was both and I like that he always knew the difference.
Here is a 1955 promotional film that shows what exactly what it was that my father flew in the test fights I have been mentioning. I think you will be impressed.
My post last week about Coco Larrain had a great response (you can read it by taking a look at the ‘recent posts’ list over there on the right). Even though the word wasn’t used, a theme emerged about her being a hero, which I believe she is. But how and why is she, or anyone, a hero? That got me to thinking and I decided to investigate the idea a bit.
Here is day #1 of Heroes Week at the NDD.
I love this quote. It rang so clear when I first read it. I suppose some heroes aren’t cornered. They seek out danger, they train for danger, and they respond as trained when the danger appears before them. Firefighters, police, rescue teams, front line soldiers all train for it and yes, they are heroes. But even then, with all their training, they must at some point face that tight spot and respond.
Most acts of heroism, those done by those not specifically trained, occur when there is no choice. One must either act heroically or something very bad is going to happen or is already happening.
I read recently about the very sad loss of a family in a tornado that hit Woodward, Oklahoma. The father was found with his 2 small daughters tucked beneath him. They all died but that didn’t mean his act was not heroic. It just means it wasn’t successful.
Another example that comes to mind are the passengers on Flight 93 on September 11th, 2001. Cornered on a jet by terrorists aiming for the US Capitol, they became heroes by fighting back and succeeding in thwarting their plans, at the cost of their own lives.
Give your fellow readers some of examples that you know of – those who were backed into a corner and responded heroically.
Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman, who has had to learn many times he is not one.
Quote by Jim Belushi, 1954- not dead yet, American actor
With all due modesty, it is day #3 of Breast Week!
This quote led to way more questions than answers for me.
I don’t think the author was talking about actual the female bosom. I believe it was originally meant symbolically, not literally. But I can see the meaning being expressed just as well, even better in some ways, when it is read as if referring to real breasts.
So, with that in mind, here is what I think it’s getting at: A woman being immodest about her breasts is lacking noble virtues, otherwise modesty would reside within her and she wouldn’t be flaunting them. Is that what you think it is basically saying?
Here’s the problem. How do we know when someone is being modest or immodest? Can 2 friends on vacation wearing very similar bikinis be different in that regard? Can one be modest and the other immodest with the exact same amount of flesh showing? How would we know the difference between them?
The quote suggests you would know the answer by the appearance of the ‘nobler virtues’ in the modest person. My question is, What are the nobler virtues?
And finally, the ultimate question in this regard: