Getting Even


This is simple enough.  Trying to ‘get even’ with anyone because they have wronged you may not be a wrong in and of itself, but it certainly makes you walk down a vengeful path.  Do you want to be thinking about vengeance?  Do you want to be spending your days plotting how to hurt someone? Is that REALLY what you want to spend your one and only life doing and thinking?  I didn’t think so.

Last night I went to a Tulsa Blogger meeting.  One of my fellow bloggers, Kelly Kincaid of Kellyology, started talking about her new found passion for running. She just finished a 1/2 marathon recently after only starting to run in March of this year.  She was asking my advice on some things since I have a bit more experience than she does.  At the same table was Nicci Atchley of Nicci6.  She has also started running recently. She has a running buddy who is a life long runner. She is learning a lot from him as they run together. Nicci and Kelly are both focused on running positive paths in life and are tapping into others who are farther along those paths for help. That is a great way to ‘get even’ if you ask me.

So instead of revenge as your ‘get even’ motivation, maybe think about who is above you and try to get even with them.  I don’t mean in value or worth, you are of equal value with anyone else already. I mean in terms of seeing someone as a role model, or wanting to achieve something you have seen a friend achieve. They are farther along a path you would like to take so ask them for help and make your way towards them. Make that your ‘get even’ strategy and you will be happier and do great things!

Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman, Publisher of The Napkin Dad Daily blog

Quote by R. J. Rehwinkels