>Millions Long For Immortality


Day #2 of Death Week at The Napkin Dad Daily

If we are going to be in life eternal, there will be a LOT of time.  What will we do and think with all that time?

Here are some traditional assumptions:

In that eternal time/non-time there will be no drama or trauma, no anger, no fear, no inadequacies, no danger, no boredom, no miscommunication.

No one will  forget birthdays or anniversaries, say mean things to people even by accident or have bad thoughts.

These will not exist as well: jealousy, envy, gluttony, laziness, immoral thoughts, crass humor, sarcasm, perversions, disabilities, aches and pains, or bad memories.

There will be no worrying about how you look or what someone thinks of you. There will be no feeling superior to anyone, nor inferior to anyone.  There will be no judgment based on race, creed, color, age, sex.

What do you think of these, are they true? If not, what will it be like if there is an afterlife?  And if they are true, what will be be thinking about in the afterlife?

Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman of the Napkin Dad Daily

Quote by Susan Ertz, 1894-1985, British Writer