The Curious Judgment – The Judge Knot #3
I judge it to be day 3 of ‘Judge Knot’ week!
Will You Die?
In spite of the cliche ‘curiosity killed the cat’ what being curious does is teach you that you will not die (because you are not as stupid as a cat I hope). You will not die from appreciating the woman with the striped toenails at the public pool. You will not die from appreciating your co-worker with a lot of tattoos. You will not die if you eat at an exotic food at a restaurant representing a country you are unfamiliar with. You will not die if you have a date with someone of a different race than you.
Untying the Judge Knot
Do you want to untie your Judge Knot? Be curious. Curiosity doesn’t mean you don’t judge. It means you reserve judgment until you have knowledge. It means you don’t judge based on prejudice and bigotry. It means you hold your judgments and opinions lightly, being willing to change them when good evidence and strong ideas lead you to change them. I am a big judger. I judge and I believe in judging. I just don’t believe in doing it before my curiosity has had a chance to work. After I have found out about something I feel fine making a judgment. I then hold the judgment lightly and reserve the right to change my mind, which I often do.
That is how humans progress after all, right?
Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman
Quote by Walt Whitman
Curiosity of the Day
Walt Whitman first published his famous collection of poems ‘Leaves of Grass’ in 1855. He continued to produce new editions with new material for 36 years, until his self-titled ‘Deathbed Edition’ in 1891. He died in 1892.