The Good Spectator – updated 2018

Day 2 of Art Week at The Napkin Dad Daily!

When I have an art exhibition I can guarantee there will be a number of people who want to know what the art means. They will not feel comfortable or at ease without knowing what it is I meant to say in the art.  What I usually say in response is a question.  What do YOU think it means. That is not to say I don’t have a reason for doing what I did.  But I know part of the fun of seeing art is using it as a springboard for one’s own creativity.  I want to hear what others think, how they interpret, to see their mind gears turning.  I know other artists do and enjoy the same thing.

The reason we do this is because we know that our intention, our meaning, is not the end of the artwork. It is not the only thing that can be gathered from it. As a matter of fact, if it is the only thing that can be gathered then it isn’t art, it’s propaganda.  Propaganda is created in such a way that there is almost no chance of it being seen or interpreted in any way but the way the creator intended.  Everything is spelled out.

I don’t know of any great art that attempts to spell out one and only one meaning.  That is why this quote is good and true.  Mature artists create with joy in the knowledge that others will come and take new and unique ideas from their art. Ideas the artist didn’t think of, nor could have anticipated.When you look at art (and you should, regularly) don’t restrict yourself to what you think is the ‘right’ interpretation.  Your interpretation IS the right one, even if it is off the deep end.  Nobody can tell you otherwise.

Drawing and commentary © Marty Coleman

“A good spectator also creates.” – Swiss proverb