Ten Drawings

Here are 10 drawings I’ve done over the Winter and Spring of 2021. Let me know your favorites!

‘The Tik Tok Dancer’

Ink on Paper


She practiced her TikTok dance in the mirror in the room with her favorite dog and painting on a Sunday instead of going to Temple.

‘The Sunbathers’

Ink on Paper


“I Like to Sleep in the Sun.”
“Me Too.”

‘The Overdramatic Musician’

Ink on Paper


The story is told of the time when the melodramatic musician overreacted to the famous painting of Mt. Vesuvius and burst an embolism and died right at that spot and made it even more famous!


Ink on Paper


‘American Allegiance’

Ink on Paper


‘The Whiner’

Ink on Paper


“Whoa (yes, I know it’s spelled wrong) is me why me who am i why cant i when will this how will i ever what will how will i be?”

“OMG, why did I get such a whiner for a mom? Damn, that means I am going to be the grown up from day one. UGH!”

‘The Posers’

Ink on Paper


‘The Vacationer’

ink on Paper


‘The Prayer’

Ink on Paper

‘The Fish Whisperer’

ink on Paper


Burning for Eternity

This idea caught me by surprise. I had never really thought about how the contemplation of eternity or the afterlife is a form of leisure. I think it is a pretty broad definition of the word leisure though since there are people who are employed and working hard to think on these things. Nonetheless, it isn’t the primary creative purview of people laboring to survive at an existential level. It’s for those who have the time to contemplate it, right?

Interesting secondary thoughts

  • is this true of all aspects of religion, not just the afterlife?
  • Does it illustrate Maslov’s heirarchy of need?

© 2021 Marty Coleman | napkindad.com

Quote by Paul Valéry, French writer, 1871-1945

Seven Drawings, Before and After – part 2

Jess the Flight Attendant, ink and acrylic paint on paper,

Sara and the Phoenix, ink and acrylic paint on paper,

A Poem in Her Head, ink on paper,

The Pill, Ink on Paper,

A Song About Herself, ink on paper,

What She Is Made Of, ink and acrylic paint on paper,

Jenn in Mexico, ink and acrylic paint on paper,

Seven Drawings, Before and After – part 1

I sometimes think ahead and scan my line drawings before painting them. I thought I would show some of them to you side by side. The drawings were all done live at the scene. Painting was done afterwards in my studio. Five of these were done in coffee houses, one was done on an airplane.

There is a slider you can control, going from just line to fully painted. What do you think?

The Conversation, Before and After,
ink & acrylic paint, Starbucks, Tulsa, 2014

Anna and Meera, Before and After,
ink & acrylic paint, Shades of Brown, Tulsa, 2015

The Knitters, Before and After,
ink & acrylic paint, Shades of Brown, Tulsa, 2018

Megan, Before and After,
ink & acrylic paint, Starbucks, Tulsa, 2015

Catherine, Before and After,
ink and acrylic paint, 2013

Britni the Filmmaker, Before and After,
ink & acrylic paint, Fair Fellow Coffee, undated

Men at Starbucks, Before and After,
Ink and Acrylic Paint, Starbucks, Tulsa, undated

Part 2 will be the vertical drawings

© 2021 Marty Coleman | napkindad.com

The Vaccine – An Illustrated Short Story

The Vaccine - An Illustrated Short Story

The Vaccine – An Illustrated Short Story

The woman had rarely been out of the house for the last 12 months. The last time was picking up her daughter from the day care center the day it closed down. Since then she’d had groceries and meals delivered or her partner had gone shopping. She had worked remotely and had done all her exercising either on her own or via zoom.

She had gotten into the habit of staying in her sweats all day, not wearing a bra, makeup or doing anything with her hair. She told herself she liked it like that because it was so much easier.

But when it was time for their vaccine appointment she put on a bra and makeup and even colored her hair her favorite color. She put on her best tank top (it was hot that day) and her old skinny jeans and tried out a new pair of hoop earrings she had got for her birthday but had no reason to wear over the year. It made her unexpectedly happy to do all this.

They waited in the car line for about 20 minutes then it was their turn. She was so excited she forgot to put her mask on but no one said anything about it. She made sure to be on the passenger side with her partner driving so the shot would be in her right arm since she was left handed. She thought the nurse was the prettiest woman she had ever seen in her life and told her so. Her partner smiled because she had missed seeing that part of her over the year. Then they waited 15 minutes until the nice firefighter signaled they could go.

When they got home the first thing she did was take off her bra. But she kept the rest of her clothes on because they made her feel good. Then they had bologna sandwiches and potato chips to celebrate as they finally planned their long-delayed wedding.

The End

© 2021 Marty Coleman | napkindad.com

A Woman Making Her Way

A Woman Making Her Way – An Illustrated Short Story

Deborah was at a spring party in someone’s backyard. She told the man who was too interested in her this analogy. She saw herself as being on a paddleboard, making her way through the perils of life. She had to row, she had to balance, she had to keep strong, and she had to focus to avoid all the dangers around her and get to where she wanted to go.

The man who was too interested lost interest and went on to another young woman at the party. Deborah smiled and went over to the canape table and ate 6 crackers with crab dip on them.

The End

© 2021 Marty Coleman | napkindad.com

Chimera Cafe, Tulsa, OK

Chimera Cafe, Tulsa, OK

Back before the Pandemic, when we could actually go and hang out in coffee houses, I did so on a regular basis. Way back in October of 2016 I tried a new cafe, Chimera, in the Tulsa Arts District. After I settled in I drew the scene in front of me in my sketchbook while I sipped my coffee. I used a Japanese brush pen called Copic Gasenfude.

Copic Gasenfude brush pen

Fast forward 5 years. I was looking through that sketchbook and realized I never finished the drawing. Of course, 5 years later I had no memory of the actual colors of anything. All I knew was the bricks were red so I started there. After that it was simply using colors and tones I thought looked good in the scene and together. I added brick under the counter as a way to tie the image together even though I don’t think there actually was brick there.

This is an important thing to remember about art – unless you are being paid to replicate something or someone then what matters is how your image looks, not how accurate you are in copying reality. The image IS the reality people are looking at, not the original thing. That is why so many drawings and paintings made from photographs are so bad, because they look like bad drawings and paintings of photos, not good pieces of art.

Worry less about unoriginal and uncreative copying and trust more your own eye and hand to create something of interest.

© 2021 Marty Coleman | napkindad.com

Respect My Existence or Expect My Resistance

respect my existence or expect my resistance

Respect My Existence

What is discrimination, bigotry, racism, ageism, and sexism (and more) but variations on this theme of not respecting who people are? It’s all basically saying you don’t approve of that person as they are. You want them to change to be more like those you approve of. In other words, you want them to be more like you.

Expect my Resistance

I am going to assume for a moment you are reading this from a comfortable, non-threatened existence. Think through what what would happen if the tables were turned and you were the one being shown disrespect for your very existence. What would you do? If there is enough power arrayed against you, you might just get along as best you can, not cause trouble, not raise a ruckus, choosing to preserve your life and family over the conflict that would surely come if you stood up.

But what if this went on for decades and centuries, always finding a way to rear its ugly head no matter what supposed progress was being made. What if the disrespect was so violent as to actually threaten your existence and not just yours but your family, your tribe, your culture. Then what would you do? It’s the impetus behind every struggle for freedom and equality in the history of the world.

Whose Side Are You On?

If you do this thought exercise of putting yourself in another’s shoes it’s not hard to finally understand why people who have been threatened in this way are standing up and fighting back. The question is, are you on their side? Do you respect their existence, not as you want them to be but as they are?

© 2021 Marty Coleman | napkindad.com

Feeling Art – Six Drawings of Paintings and Sculptures

Painting and Patron

The painting looked at her longingly, hoping she would feel the same. She did, paying $765,000 for her and putting her over her couch so they could watch TV together.

Two Portraits

The portrait sat there for years but the serpent was a good singer so she didn’t mind.

Sculpture and Volcano

The metal sculpture was always hoping for visitors but was usually alone because of the volcano.

Sculpture and Patron

The dream recognized his recent lover but took no responsibility, blaming the image and deed for her condition.

Sculpture and Paintings

The ancient sculpture spontaneously started crying oil paint of various colors from every minute crack and became a pilgrimage spot for all true artists from everywhere.

Sculpture and Nude

The sculpture enjoyed blocking the view of the nude since she was jealous of her having a body.

© 2021 Marty Coleman | napkindad.com