The Cult of the Orange Man

Many people believe all sorts of things that aren’t true. Some of those don’t matter much, for example, a person believing that rubbing keeping his lucky rubber ducky next to his easy chair will make his team win. It’s not true but it does no harm.

We aren’t talking about that. We are talking about lies that destroy and kill. For example, Trump said the Corona Virus was just like the flu and we didn’t have to worry about it. But he was lying, as proven by the recordings of him saying otherwise. That lie cost people their lives because action that wasn’t taken based on it supposedly being true.

Now we have seen this on display again, in Washington, D.C. and the U. S. Capitol Building. Trump has said he won the election. That is a lie. It’s not a mistake, or a miscommunication, it’s a lie. And he knows it’s a lie. But he doesn’t care. He wants to win so he’s making up a story that says he won. A story without evidence to back it up. And his followers believe him. They believe him so much they storm our Capitol and ransack it, searching for Senators and Representatives disloyal to Trump, perhaps to make stand trial in a kangaroo court right then. Luckily they didn’t find any officials.

The problem is the mob, a mob who isn’t bound by truth or evidence or facts. They are only bound by allegiance to Trump. And when Trump said to march on the Capitol and his servant Guiliani said to commit violence, they did so. Trump and all the public officials that supported and encouraged his behavior and his words are complicit and should forever be stained with the infamy of January 6th, 2021.

© 2021 Marty Coleman |

Go Small or Go Home – A Cautionary New Year’s Tale

This was going to be my New Years Day post but a flood in my house on New Years Eve got in the way. At first it was just an obvious emergency I had to deal with, then it became the real life lesson that illustrates this quote.

So, about that flood. It was all my fault. Why? Because I didn’t think small, I thought big. Well, not exactly big, but bigger than I should have at the moment. In other words I didn’t pay attention to the small details that were important. REALLY important. Here’s how it came about.

I am a do-it-yourselfer and since we moved to our new house in Texas from Oklahoma I have been doing a LOT of DIYing. The latest project is a remodel of our guest bathroom. Wallpaper has been stripped and replaced, tub has been recaulked, lights have been replaced and old vanity countertop has been removed in anticipation of our new one being put in. All has gone according to plan.

Since the countertop was off and I could get to them easily I decided I would replace all four old and worn out water valves leading to the two sinks. Often times this is a job for a pro plumber since it can take a blow torch and ‘sweating’ and soldering of pipes.

But in this case it looked like an easy replacement by cutting off the old valve and just leaving a clean copper pipe that I could then attach to the new valve using what is called a compression fitting. Easy peasy, right? Yes, if you do it step by step.

It sounds very dorky but I was very excited to be able to do this by myself so I traipsed down to Home Depot and got all the right tools and parts I would need. Then I got right to it on New Year’s Eve day. I used this cool tool that you snap around the copper pipe and just rotate and it makes this perfect cut. And it did. Only one problem. In my excitement I didn’t think through the order of the steps I needed to take. Like the obvious important step of turning off the water to the house BEFORE cutting the pipe. Duh.

Even though there is a very harrowing but entertaining story about the consequences of me cutting that pipe, for now it will suffice to tell you that I created a massive flood in my house before we were able to get the water turned off. A flood that required us calling our insurance company and having a ‘water mitigation’ team come out and deal with it.

It’s now 2 days later and the wood flooring in the living room and two hallways is torn out and will have to be replaced. The carpet in parts of 3 rooms is also lifted up and is drying, most likely needing to be replaced.

All baseboards are removed and there are holes in all the effected walls (below the baseboard line luckily). Those holes have giant loud fans next to them blowing air into the walls to dry it all out. The carpets also have fans on them. There are also two big dehumidifiers going in the house. All of them will be going 24/7 for 3 days.

And why did this happen? Because I didn’t go small. I didn’t pay attention to the step by step details I needed to pay attention to. This is a DIY version of something that happens to us all at one time or another. We think so much about the big plans that we lose sight or skip the small steps needed to make sure the big plans come off as we want them too. It might be travel plans, or Covid19 protection, or gun and hunting safety, or a million other things.

The point is, taking the time to think through and execute the small things well is what will make for a safe and happy big thing.

© 2021 Marty Coleman |

The Lies of the Orange Man

Delusion is a hard thing to overcome. Individuals believe things that are untrue for all sorts of reasons. Many times they even know inside that what they believe is untrue but they just can’t get the courage to admit it to themselves or others. It really isn’t that uncommon. But what is far more dangerous is when large groups inside a country believe things that there is no evidence for or is grossly exaggerated. This is true in America right now.

Some Trump supporters have gone down a rabbit hole of adoration. They are so enamored of Trump, so invested in him being their savior (from what I don’t know), that they can’t handle the fact that he’s been voted out of office. They want so badly not to believe it that they have staked their faith on lies told to them by people who don’t really care about them. It’s sad to see but really not surprising when you take into account Trump’s methodology of propaganda and disinformation and his legion of media followers who are also so invested that they amplify that message without regard for their duties as journalists or commentators.

It’s sad to see and I can only hope that we find a vaccine for this hysterical delusion soon.

© 2020 Marty Coleman |

12 Recent Drawings – Fall, 2020

The Wounded Woman

The Unhappy Wife the Moment Her Fences Flew Away

The Renaissance Room at the Museum

The Water Angel

Mother and Son

The Dancer Dancing in Her Favorite Spot During Quarantine

The Sad Queen Just Wanted To Be Loved

The Dishwashing Attorney With Her Bra Off

The Very Popular Exhibition at the Usually Unpopular Art Museum

The TV Producer Dreaming She Was a Blowfish

The Translator Getting Ready For Work

The Tattoo Artist With Issues

© 2020 – Marty Coleman |

The Character of the Orange Man

You ever notice how paranoid people think other people are paranoid? Or how angry people think others are angry? Or perhaps the opposite, the person who wears rose colored glasses thinks everyone else is nice and benign. What is happening there? They are projecting. They see the world a certain way due to their character traits and so they assign those same traits to others actions. They can’t imagine others thinking differently, especially if they are narcissists who never bother to think about others.

Perhaps that’s why Trump thinks those who lost their lives defending America are losers and suckers. Because he can’t imagine people doing anything sacrificial unless they are those things. He certainly doesn’t see value in sacrifice or someone having sacrifice in his or her character. Instead he sees everything as win or lose. If you do something that can lead to you losing (or dying or getting captured in war) then you are a sucker. You let it happen to you because you weren’t thinking about yourself, and that is not the way he thinks. It’s always about him succeeding, getting away with something, escaping something. If he screws someone else in the process, a vendor back when he was a real estate developer, or a supposed ally now that he’s President, then he did what was smart for him and the other person got suckered.

So I ask you, are you a sucker? You are if you think he cares about you or your life. He doesn’t. He only cares about himself.

Drawing and commentary © 2020 Marty Coleman |

The Offense of the Orange Man

“If you are easily offended you are easily manipulated”. I heard our Pastor say this in his sermon this week and it resonated with me.

There are two parts to this quote, first the idea of being easily offended. It is what might currently be associated with ‘cancel culture’. You hear something you don’t like from someone, maybe a celebrity, maybe a politician, and you decide they are no longer worthy of your, or anyone else’s attention because what they did or said offended you so deeply. You might go so far as to say they need to be fired or disciplined in some way. This happens in our 24/7 environment of rage almost every day. Now, sometimes the person or company deserves the judgment and the consequence. Maybe they need to be fired because what they did was so egregious so as to deserve that. But often times we either are overreacting to the ‘sin’ or our judgment is based on incomplete information.

The other part of the quote is about being manipulated. Manipulation in this context means being persuaded to believe something or take some action that you don’t realize is based on incomplete or faulty information, or through appealing to an emotion or feeling that becomes more important than the truth about something.

The question becomes how these two are connected. If you are easily offended it often means you are looking for a reason to judge and may not wait to hear enough information to fairly judge. And if you are that primed to judge, you are primed to hear what a manipulator wants you to hear.

To use two recent examples from today’s headlines, first we have the case of the unwanted hysterectomies taking place in immigrant detention facilities. If the headline is, ‘Mass forced hysterectomies performed on immigrant women’ you might think one thing. If the headline is, ‘Whistle blower describes hearing about possible unwanted hysterectomies at detention center’ you might think another. If you were already upset about treatment of immigrants you could be quickly offended and ready to judge and the headline that heightens to infraction is the one you are likely to believe without checking to see if it is accurate.

Another example: You hear about a ‘riot’ in a major US city that happened after a protest. If the headline is ‘Major violence and rioting causes city to burn’ you might think one thing. If the headline is, ‘Car set on fire after peaceful protest’ you might think another. But if you were already upset at the protesters and their message you could be quickly offended and ready to judge and the headline that tells of more violence is the one you are likely to believe without checking to see if it is accurate.

What that means is we have to analyze and double check our information while withholding judgment. How do you double check the information? One is by being patient and letting the story play out. The other is by having multiple avenues of information coming to you. If you are only listening to Fox and Breitbart then you can trust you are not getting an accurate picture. If you are only listening to MSNBC and HuffPost then the same is true, you are not getting an accurate picture.

You can’t trust a single news outlet to feed you a well-balanced picture. It’s your responsibility to wait until there is sufficient evidence and to hear news from a variety of directions. It’s also your responsibility to not propagate information that is nothing more than gossip and innuendo without evidence. Both of those responsibilities are easier if you aren’t so easily offended and thus easily manipulated.

© 2020 Marty Coleman |

The Absurdity of The Orange Man

In the book ‘1984’ there were official sayings of the party in control, inscribed on the giant white pyramid at the Ministry of Truth.
war is peace
freedom is slavery
ignorance is strength

This has always been used as an example of a scary dystopian future we in America might see in a place like Russia or China. But that is not how it’s turned out. Instead we are seeing it play out here in the US under Trump. If you doubt this to be true I would submit the words above as just the merest of slices of what he has said that is absurd and untrue in the extreme.

All you have to do is look through a collection of what he’s said over the past 4 years or more to see the truth. If you don’t see it, I think you might work for the ‘Ministry of Truth’.

Drawing and commentary © 2020 Marty Coleman |

15 Recent Drawings

A Woman in Summer, 2020
A Memory of Mine
She’s So Ugly
The Hurricane Dance
The Vision and the Weight
A Discussion with the Goddess
The Prayer and the Sign
The Thinking Skyscraper
The Runner’s Prayer
The Sign in the Desert
The Artist Knows
Covid Landscape
The Circular Thought
Shower Singing

© 2020 Marty Coleman |

Portrait of a Woman in 2020

Parts 1, 2, and 3

This is my attempt to visualize what a portrait of a woman would be if you could see her inner self as the covid debacle and the BLM movement took hold of America in the first half of 2020.
What would you look like as the year has progressed so far?

Drawing © 2020 Marty Coleman |