Short Stories

The Poodle – A Short Story

The Poodle – A Short Story

The Poodle Annie finished reading her daily scripture and was contemplating its meaning when the phone rang. She decided, based on her morning study, that she was not going to answer the phone. The phone call was from the National Academy of Poodle Excellence and they...

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A Woman Making Her Way

A Woman Making Her Way

A Woman Making Her Way - An Illustrated Short Story Deborah was at a spring party in someone's backyard. She told the man who was too interested in her this analogy. She saw herself as being on a paddleboard, making her way through the perils of life. She had to row,...

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The Decision – An Illustrated Short Story

The Decision – An Illustrated Short Story

She couldn't decide. She wanted to go to the Forum where she could show off her new hairdo and earrings and watch wrestling and talk and eat and flirt and listen to people say profound things and maybe get a mani/pedi. She would see her friends and have fun, laughing...

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Happy Spiralita – An Illustrated Short Story

Happy Spiralita – An Illustrated Short Story

The Question Girl Spiralita was a happy girl, in spite of her questions. As a matter of fact, it was her questions that gave herself that happy identity. She was known throughout the land as the 'Question Girl'. Some made fun of her because of all the questions she...

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The Revelation Dragon’s Younger Sister

The Revelation Dragon’s Younger Sister

  In the Book of Revelation there is a terrible dragon. Here is how it is described:"Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crown on its heads."  Rev. 12:3 Well, this isn't that dragon. This is...

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An Alliterary Lady – An Illustrated Short Story

An Alliterary Lady – An Illustrated Short Story

AN ALLITERARY LADY Susan seldom saw herself in this space. But between bouts of binge watching and bra burning she brought herself before the bastion of beauty. With wonder and wisdom she willingly wept at the way in which the wayward artist had winnowed down the...

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The Good Friend – An Illustrated Short Story

The Good Friend – An Illustrated Short Story

The Good Friend The woman was so anxious to finally tell the other woman about what was going on in her life because the other woman was a good friend. They were able to go have coffee one fall morning and have time to talk.  The woman spilled her guts to the other...

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The Short Order Cook – An Illustrated Short Story

The Short Order Cook – An Illustrated Short Story

The Short Order Cook He stood exceedingly still. Not for a moment or a minute, but for many minutes at a time. This happened at least 3 times while I was eating at the counter. He looked in the fridge at one point. He waved goodbye to a customer, not saying anything....

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Time in the Museum – An Illustrated Short Story

Time in the Museum – An Illustrated Short Story

Chapter One He lagged behind his wife because he was reading the catalog raisonne of the artist. He was trying to figure out how much time it took for her to paint the painting of the crying violinist. He didn't notice what time it was but his wife did because she was...

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How She Turned Into Herself – A Short Story

How She Turned Into Herself – A Short Story

How She Turned Into Herself She turned toward the radio tower, listening. She turned into someone else when she did. For a while she was happy being this new person. Then, when she didn't recognize herself any longer she realized she wasn't happy after all. She...

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The Woman Moving Forward – A Short Short Story

The Woman Moving Forward – A Short Short Story

"The woman moving forward while the baggy pants guy waits for his boarding pass while I sit on the floor waiting for the flight to California and wait for Linda and Caitlin to return from getting food during fall break in Tulsa in October of 2004." An illustrated...

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Divorce Woes – A Sketchbook Drawing

Divorce Woes – A Sketchbook Drawing

A woman with a hairdo too old for her talking to her friend about packing her bags three times before he came home and how he never knew while they drank coffee and talked too loud so I could hear their divorce woes on a humid night in Tulsa. I drew this a Starbucks...

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The Emotional Landscape – A Short Story

The Emotional Landscape – A Short Story

The Dead but Alive Woman She woke up every morning only seeing what was behind her. She sometimes would try to turn her head but could not. It was as if she was made of stone. So, she looked back. She remembered the many signs telling her not to go in that direction...

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But & And – A Short Short Story

But & And – A Short Short Story

But and And She was stuck in the middle of somewhere but wasn't sure where that was and that made her feel lost and scared but she did like her shirt and how her necklace matched her hair but she was self-conscious about her freckles because it was so weird that she...

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The Woman at the Motel – A Short Short Story

The Woman at the Motel – A Short Short Story

The Woman at the Motel A woman named Nancy at the Del Mar Motel who has 3 kids and Dolce & Gabbana sunglasses & always reads the sports section because her dad was a high school football coach who talked about her son with ADHD & Tourette Syndrome whom...

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Two Women Talking – 2004-2016

Two Women Talking – 2004-2016

Two Women Talking - A Short Short Story Chapter One The woman with more hair who could do flamenco curls on her jaw if she wanted talking hesitantly to the friend with the thin eyes and arched eyebrows and lower lip that jutted out who was judging her friend's mascara...

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