The Stranger Juxtaposition
The Wondering Breast - The Stranger Juxtaposition #1 The Wondering Breast - The Stranger Juxtaposition #1 Something On Her Mind - The Stranger Juxtaposition #2 Something On Her Mind - The Stranger Juxtaposition #2 'She had something she had seen while on the cruise...
Visual Poems
With certain projects I know when I photograph the person I want more than just a portrait of their face because they are more than their face. I want to college more about who they are, including often their clothings, other parts of their bodies, surroundings,...
Truths and Things I Made Up About These Women
I have two websites, this one and ''. That one is moribund and I no longer post to it. But I did in the past and there are many posts and galleries there that aren't on this website, especially in the area of photo-collage, which I have done...
Recent Street Photography, 2024
Ever since I started using an iphone for photography instead of my old dslr camera I have done much less street photography. But recently I took trips to Los Angeles and Las Vegas and I was inspired to entertain that genre again. Here are some of the images I came up...
Lost and Found in the Landscape
We often talk about getting lost in the landscape. The idea is to go out and lose oneself, and I get that. You lose all those society-laden elements that burden you. But losing is only half the story. The other is about what you find out about yourself when you are...
People on the Street – London and Paris
Street Photography One of my favorite things to do when I go on vacation is street photography, meaning not photos of streets, but photos of the action on the street. It really means action most anywhere; in stores, at famous monuments, etc. The only defining factor...
Photographic Sunday – Digital Portraits
I sometimes forget to post my photography here, thinking it's only about the drawings. But I like showing you the other aspects of my creative exploration and I think this is a particularly interesting series I have embarked on. Starting with a photograph (sometimes...
British Museum and Tate Modern – Museum Compositions
Street Photography Not on the Street I went to London and Paris in June of this year (2015) and went to a number of museums. When I am going through a museum I am not looking to take pictures of the art work. That's pretty much a complete bore to me. What I like is...
Museum Compositions – Anonymous Eyes
Yesterday I posted a drawing and 2 photos from my foray into the Dallas Museum of Art's 'Bouquet' exhibition over the Thanksgiving weekend, 2014. There were other temporary exhibitions as well. One was a retrospective of Modernist Jewelry created by Art Smith. I...
Museum Compositions – Bouquets in Dallas
Dallas Museum of Art Over the Thanksgiving weekend we were down in Dallas visiting our daughter, Caitlin. We went to see the Dallas Cowboys play on Thursday, had Thanksgiving dinner after that and then spent the rest of the weekend just enjoying...
Short Short Stories From the Cemetery
The Super Hero Earlier during my cemetery walkabout, right as the sun went down, I happened upon a lone superhero starting her overnight vigil overlooking the city. She was strong and disciplined. I asked her how she got to be a superhero. She said she always...
Artists I Love – Elliot Erwitt – Photographic Sunday
Serious Photography People tend to put professional photography into a very serious box. It's used to show the worst of humanity and nature, a very serious thing. It is also used to show the highlights of both, which ironically is usually just as serious....
Photographic Sunday – Hidden Yoga
Muse Recently I did a fitness photo shoot at Chandler Park here in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I was using the shoot as a scouting trip for a larger shoot I am planning with my PHOTOG group I help lead here in town. I was originally thinking of the shoot as being...
Our Bloodmoon Connection
There had to be a million or so people around the globe watching and photographing the Bloodmoon last night. I was one of them. My friends on Facebook seemed very happy when I posted these. I wouldn't be surprised if many of you, the...
Photographic Sunday – Scenes from a Conference
As I've mentioned, I spent almost a week down in Austin, TX at SXSW (South By Southwest) Interactive at the beginning of March. I had my DSLR camera with me but I actually took a lot more photos with my iPhone and iPad mini than I did with my larger camera. Workshop...
Photographic Sunday – Museum as Muse
Dallas Museum of Art Over the 4th of July long weekend Linda and I went to visit our daughter, Caitlin, in Dallas, Texas. We had a lot of things planned for the week, including some time I reserved for myself to go museum hopping. I was planning to drive over to Fort...
Photographic Sunday -Recent Portraits
Here is a selection of personal portraits of family members from the past year. My daughter Chelsea My daughter Caitlin My niece, Jenna My sister Jackie and niece Jenna My daughter Caitlin Here are some commissioned portraits of friends. Kathi Morrison and family at...
Photographic Sunday – Museum Compositions
In 2011 I did a Sunday series on my photography (you can see them in the drop down series menu on the right under 'Photographic Sunday'). I have created a lot of new images since then so I thought I would do a few more editions of 'Photographic Sunday' for you. Museum...
Portraits – Photo Retrospective 2012, part 2
Welcome back Napkin Kin to part 2 of my portraits of 2012. Yesterday I covered the Second half of 2012, July-December. Today I am showing the first half with a bit of overlap, January to July. _________________ My drive down from Northern California in July ended...
Portraits – Photo retrospective 2012, part 1
Hello Napkin Kin! Welcome to 2013. One of my resolutions is to mix it up a bit on The Napkin Dad Daily in 2013 and one way to do that is to add in more of my other work for you to see. Here are some of my photographic portraits from 2012. Starting with the latest and...
Photographic Sunday – Tulsa Digital Photography Group
In 2008 I helped found the Tulsa Digital Photography Group, later named 'PHOTOG'. It now has close to 600 members, making it the largest in Oklahoma. We put on photo shoots once or twice a month and have a monthly library presentation that I lead. Sometimes I do the...
Photographic Sunday – Travels
I love road trips. When I was very small we moved from one side of the country to the other a number of times. We did it again when I was a teenager. I did it twice during undergraduate and graduate years and once again as an adult with a family. Those were just the...
Photographic Sunday – Fashion
I love fashion shoots because of the great clothing and makeup and the fun that can be had combining it all. Here are some recent images. Gum Svetlana in Rust OUT Fence Cloud Boots Rain Heat Out / In Garage Spiral © 2021 Marty Coleman |...
Photographic Sunday – Emotional Wind
Living in Oklahoma a photographer can either be cursed by the wind or blessed by it. I feel blessed by it. After many outdoor photo sessions I found I had a great collection of images with hair and expressions all over the place. I started to find an emotional...