Photographic Sunday – Emotional Wind
Living in Oklahoma a photographer can either be cursed by the wind or blessed by it. I feel blessed by it. After many outdoor photo sessions I found I had a great collection of images with hair and expressions all over the place. I started to find an emotional...
Photographic Sunday – Collages / part 2
The collages I showed last week were images that were collaged into pre-existing images. This week I am showing collage images that exist by themselves. Postcards This is a series called 'Postcards'. They are images taken on vacation, collaged together and...
Photographic Sunday – Collages / part 1
In 1981 my art style moved towards photo-realistic drawings and paintings. As a result I started taking photos that I could use as reference for the drawings. After a while I realized I didn't like the process of creating photo-realistic images - being in a dark...
Photographic Sunday – Landscapes
Flint Creek in Fog, New Life Ranch, Oklahoma, 1990s My daughters went to camp here for many years. We also went to family camp a number of times as well. It was down in a valley so the fog would often settle in pretty thick in the mornings. Cadillacs and Barbed...
Photographic Sunday – Backs and Straps
Starting back in the 1980s I developed a photographic fascination for backs. It started when a model I was photographing for a project got cold feet about doing the nudes we had planned. We were already the location, a beach with dramatic cliffs and incredible...
Photographic Sunday – 90s Film Portraits
These black and white film portraits were taken in the late 80s and early 90s in and around San Jose, California. Bob, Eulipia Restaurant, 1990's He was an aspiring actor and a restauranteur. I took this photo for his actor head shot portfolio in the restaurant he...
Photographic Sunday – San Jose Summer – 1980s
I took a LOT of slides back in the 80s. My then father-in-law was a big slide film fan and I became one as a result. I recently decided to experiment with scanning these old slides on my flat bed scanner. The results are evocative and...
Photographic Sunday – Cranbrook, 1981
I have set aside several Sundays to show you some of my photography. I used film until 2005 so any images predating then you can assume are film images, any after that will be digital. Woman With Oval, 1980 In 1980 I started graduate school at Cranbrook Academy...