
Photographic Sunday – Emotional Wind

Photographic Sunday – Emotional Wind

Living in Oklahoma a photographer can either be cursed by the wind or blessed by it. I feel blessed by it.  After many outdoor photo sessions I found I had a great collection of images with hair and expressions all over the place.  I started to find an emotional...

Photographic Sunday – Landscapes

Photographic Sunday – Landscapes

Flint Creek in Fog, New Life Ranch, Oklahoma, 1990s My daughters went to camp here for many years.  We also went to family camp a number of times as well.  It was down in a valley so the fog would often settle in pretty thick in the mornings. Cadillacs and Barbed...

Photographic Sunday – Backs and Straps

Photographic Sunday – Backs and Straps

Starting back in the 1980s I developed a photographic fascination for backs.  It started when a model I was photographing for a project got cold feet about doing the nudes we had planned. We were already the location, a beach with dramatic cliffs and incredible...