Sketchbook History Tour
1972 – Present
18 Pregnant Women
Drawings © 2020 Marty Coleman |
The Decision – An Illustrated Short Story
She couldn't decide. She wanted to go to the Forum where she could show off her new hairdo and earrings and watch wrestling and talk and eat and flirt and listen to people say profound things and maybe get a mani/pedi. She would see her friends and have fun, laughing...
That’s Interesting
I think this might make an interesting T-shirt for a lot of interesting women. They are busy with their interesting lives, doing interesting things and aren't interested in men being interested in them just because they look interesting. © 2020 Marty Coleman |...
La and Fa – The Story of a Disaster
La and Fa - The Story of a Disaster The music said La but he thought Fa and as a result the concert was a disaster. The End © 2020 Marty Coleman |
The Woman Who Became a Violin
© 2020 Marty Coleman |
What She Saw When She Was Underwater in Life
The Violence and the Victim
© 2020 Marty Coleman |
The Shape She Was In – An Illustrated Short Story
The Shape She Was In She was nervous singing in front of the congregation because she didn't like her shape. Her hips were too small and her shoulders and chest were too big. Her knees were too knobby and her feet were too small. Her hands were too manly and her lips...
Mary And Martha Have a Spa Day – An Illustrated Short Story
Mary and Martha Have a Spa Day Mary and Martha had some time to spare before Jesus and the boys came to visit later in the week so they decided to go to the spa and pamper themselves. They did mani-pedis, massage, hot yoga, a salt room and finally a facial. The facial...
A Friend from the Past
I did the black and white ink portion of this drawing in January of 2003 at Borders Bookstore in Tulsa, OK. We dated for a number of months in 2002/2003 and remained friends after. I left it as a black and white ink drawing in my sketchbook for 16 years. This fall...
She Thought of Her Life – An Illustrated Short Story
She Thought Of Her Life Her walk home that morning allowed for thoughts on what had just happened. She wanted to believe she was free but her behavior told her she was not. However, she also believed she could change and be free in the future. The End Drawing and...
Recent Drawings – 2019
'Making Him'pen and ink on paper, 2019 This was a quick sketch that didn't have a defined background. I decided to work in some color well after the drawing was done and while doing so I thought it would be a challenge to see if I could make the clothing translucent....
Three Drawings
'I Am Glad I Am An Artist' - pen and ink on paper, 2019 This is a true story. I was in the men's room before church and stood between to men while peeing. They were both older gentlemen (I know the drawing makes them look younger, oh well). They were talking about...
A Woman Thinking of What She Is Made Of – I Draw In Church
From Real To Un – I Draw In Church
Drawing in church (or anywhere) is not restricted to drawing something or someone I am looking at. Here are 5 examples of the range, from starting with a real person but adding a made-up background to doing something abstract that has no connection to a world...
The Revelation Dragon’s Younger Sister
In the Book of Revelation there is a terrible dragon. Here is how it is described:"Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crown on its heads." Rev. 12:3 Well, this isn't that dragon. This is...
The Elegantly Dressed Beautiful Woman
The Elegantly Dressed Beautiful Woman | Ink on Paper | 2004-2018 'The elegantly dressed beautiful woman with the cat as her carry-on wearing black and an orange scarf and visiting her parents in San Diego who can't have pets and thinks her nose is bigger than I drew...
I Draw in Church – Women of Color in a Grey World
A Woman of Color in a Grey City A Pianist of Color in a Grey Church
The Difference of the Same
They were the same except the parts where they were different.
Amphora / 2007-2014
I have been going through old sketchbooks recently and one in particular has stood out for having some amazing drawings. Not because of technical skill but because of the bizarre content. I have always drawn some pretty odd scenes but this one sketchbook seems to be...
Three Drawings From My Imagination – I Draw in Church
I saw a new person in the orchestra this week. I liked the wave of her hair and the shape of her face. I couldn't see her once we sat down so that was all I had in my head as I started the drawing. From there she gradually turned into a bust of a Goddess or Queen or...
Six Sketchbook Drawings
Real to Imagined I draw the majority of my images from my imagination. But many of the drawings may start with something or someone I see as an inspiration point. It might be a long straight nose, or the uniformity of choir robes, that I remember and start with. But...
Five Sketchbook Drawings
These are five drawings from my recent sketchbook work. Most were initially drawn in church with coloring done after.
Thought Balloons – 2018
Which Way? Yesterday I was leading our running group in warm ups. I mentioned we were going to run a certain stretch of the route at the end and that I wanted them to do a certain thing during that. One of my coaches spoke up and said, "We aren't doing that stretch of...
Doubting Thomas
Doubting Thomas, Apostle In the New Testament of the Christian scriptures there is an Apostle named Thomas. He is known as 'Doubting Thomas' because of the story of his not believing the other Apostles when they say that Jesus has come back to life after having been...
The Woman Who Thought in Circles – An Illustrated Short Story
The Woman Who Thought in Circles She went around and around about wearing circles. She didn't want to be too matchy matchy. Then again she did because her mom liked her more when she was. But she liked her mom less when her mom liked her more which was very confusing...
The Singer of Pi – An Illustrated Short Story
The Singer of PI She sang in the choir, always trying to understand the meaning of the songs. She felt they were a mystery far beyond her capacity to understand. But she also knew that, just like in her yoga class where if she kept doing that one pose she would master...
The Knitters – Four Variations
I drew a group of knitters at 'Shades of Brown' coffee shop here in Tulsa last week. They call themselves the 'Knit Wits'. I spent a good hour plus drawing then showed it to them. They seemed to enjoy it, which is always a nice end to a drawing session. This is the...
The Woman with Only Two Thoughts – An Illustrated Short Story
The Woman with Only Two Thoughts - An Illustrated Short Story The Large and The Small The woman wasn't able to think anything but these two thoughts. Everything was either too large or too small. Things were never just right. Well, that isn't exactly true. Sometimes...
Time in the Museum – An Illustrated Short Story
Chapter One He lagged behind his wife because he was reading the catalog raisonne of the artist. He was trying to figure out how much time it took for her to paint the painting of the crying violinist. He didn't notice what time it was but his wife did because she was...
The Sculpture of Love – An Illustrated Short Story
Chapter One The woman saw herself as flawed, always. She didn't like how selfish she was, how greedy. She didn't like her judgmental attitude towards so many people and things. She felt she wasn't a very good wife or mother. She knew she was not as helpful as she...
How She Turned Into Herself – A Short Story
How She Turned Into Herself She turned toward the radio tower, listening. She turned into someone else when she did. For a while she was happy being this new person. Then, when she didn't recognize herself any longer she realized she wasn't happy after all. She...
The Woman Moving Forward – A Short Short Story
"The woman moving forward while the baggy pants guy waits for his boarding pass while I sit on the floor waiting for the flight to California and wait for Linda and Caitlin to return from getting food during fall break in Tulsa in October of 2004." An illustrated...
Joan the Baptist – I Draw in Church
Joan the Baptist - A Short Story The woman inside her mind in the balcony alone wondering if she's changed for the better by being a Baptist or not. And all the people below her wondering who she is and what she is doing in the church dressed like that. The End...
Woman with Three Selves – A Short Short Story
Chapter One The woman thought about her selves and didn't feel anything but. The End Drawing and short story © 2017 Marty Coleman |