Punctuality Pie

Punctuality Pie

I don’t believe this, but have known a lot of people in my life, even been married to a few, who are chronically late and they would concur with this opinion!  I tend to be on the punctual side.

What about you, are you chronically late or perhaps chronically punctual? Tell us about it, ok?


Drawing by Marty Coleman

Quote by Oscar Wilde


Answer to  the Trivia Question from 1/4/13
Who has the largest brain, humans or elephants? 

While the elephant brain is physically bigger than a human’s, the human brain takes up a larger percentage of the mass and weight of the human body than the elephant brain does in an elephant.  The human thus actually does have the biggest brain of all animals.

Gratitude Series 2010 Recap

I am recapping a number of series from the past this week.  Yesterday it was my Thanksgiving series from 2009.  Today I am showing my Gratitude series from 2010.

Click on the image to go to the original post and read the commentary.

gratitude #4 - 2010

gratitude #3 - 2010

gratitude #2 - 2010

gratitude #1 - 2010

Thanksgiving – A 2009 Recap

In keeping with this being a recap week I went looking for old posts about gratitude and Thanksgiving.  I found a lot.  Here is my Thanksgiving series from 2009.  Note the difference in drawing style from then until now.

Click on the image to go to the original post with commentary.

Thanksgiving #1 - 2009

Thanksgiving 1

thanksgiving 2

thanksgiving 3


Drawings by Marty Coleman © 2012, all rights reserved.  I would love for you to let me know if you share this page.

Marriage – The series recap

Here’s my ‘Marriage’ series from earlier this year.
Click on the images to go to the original post and read the commentary.

Round Peg, Square Hole – Marriage #5

How To Become A Philosopher – Marriage #4

The Marriage Blossom – Marriage #3

How To Start a Fire – Marriage #2

The Ideal Wife – Marriage #1

Series Recap – “I Love Television But…”

This week I am going to be posting entire series for you to revisit.  Today we recap last week’s series on Television.  Click the image to go to the original posts and read the commentaries.  If you would like to purchase one of these (or any) napkins, just let me know at napkindad@martycoleman.com.


television 1

I Love Television But…#1


television 2

I Love Television But…#2


television 3

I Love Television But…#3


I Love Television But…#4


television 5

I Love Television But…#5



Drawings by Marty Coleman, who loves television


How To Draw A Napkin – Step 4: Have Babies

I know you weren’t expecting this, but it was due!


how to draw a napkin 4-6


Steps 4a-4d: Repeat steps 1a-1d. 

Step 4e: Meet someone.

Step 4f: Marry them (traditional version)

Step 4g: Have sex with them (traditional version)

Step 4h: Get pregnant, or help at least (traditional version)

Step 4i: Have baby (traditional version)

Step 4j: Repeat 4g-4i as often as you wish.

Step 4k: Draw baby being born from memory. (don’t draw as it happens, that would be rude).

Step 4l: Color in drawing (be accurate)


Concept, drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman, who contributed to this scenario 3 times (and added another in an untraditional way).


Trivia of the day

An average of approximately 3,000 babies in the US are dropped upon delivery each year.

The Curious Judgment – The Judge Knot #3

I judge it to be day 3 of ‘Judge Knot’ week!

judge not #3


Will You Die?

In spite of the cliche ‘curiosity killed the cat’ what being curious does is teach you that you will not die (because you are not as stupid as a cat I hope).  You will not die from appreciating the woman with the striped toenails at the public pool.  You will not die from appreciating your co-worker with a lot of tattoos.  You will not die if you eat at an exotic food at a restaurant representing a country you are unfamiliar with.  You will not die if you have a date with someone of a different race than you.

Untying the Judge Knot

Do you want to untie your Judge Knot?  Be curious.  Curiosity doesn’t mean you don’t judge. It means you reserve judgment until you have knowledge.  It means you don’t judge based on prejudice and bigotry. It means you hold your judgments and opinions lightly, being willing to change them when good evidence and strong ideas lead you to change them. I am a big judger.  I judge and I believe in judging. I just don’t believe in doing it before my curiosity has had a chance to work.  After I have found out about something I feel fine making a judgment.  I then hold the judgment lightly and reserve the right to change my mind, which I often do.  

That is how humans progress after all, right?


Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman

Quote by Walt Whitman


Curiosity of the Day

Walt Whitman first published his famous collection of poems ‘Leaves of Grass’ in 1855.  He continued to produce new editions with new material for 36 years, until his self-titled ‘Deathbed Edition’ in 1891.  He died in 1892. 

Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman by Thomas Eakins


Becoming – The 4H Idea


The 4H Idea

I am going to be giving the Keynote address at the Southern Region 4H Volunteer Forum in Little Rock, Arkansas tomorrow.  I wanted to have a napkin specifically for 4H but was having a hard time visualizing it.  Luckily, as I was writing the commentary for a napkin I was drawing earlier this week I came up with this quote.  It started me thinking about what I know of the 4H Organization and how it all seems to be about helping young people become who they want to become.  

It’s a tricky thing, this becoming.  We are constantly becoming something new in mind and in body, even us old people. But it is especially true of young people.  They are going through a tsunami of becoming as they grow.  Our job as parents, as volunteers, as teachers, as mentors, is to figure out the best ways to help these young people navigate through this tsunami of change.

I love the simplicity of the 4H idea: Becoming takes place in four arenas of life; Head, Hand, Heart and Health. That is what it’s all about.

The Balancing Act

It acknowledges that our thinking, working, caring, and fitness all need to develop in balance with one another. It’s not enough just to be a model of bodybuilder perfection or look great in a bikini if you aren’t able to think critically about the world. It’s not enough to be a theoretical genius in neuroscience if you fail to love your neighbor.  It’s not enough to be always working, earning all the money in the world, if you ignore your health.  

Leading the Way

They all work must in concert with one another if we want to be the person we really want to be. And as any kid will tell you, they are watching our example much more than our words. So if we want our youth to be balanced, guess what? We have to lead the way.


Drawing, commentary and quote by Marty Coleman



Are You Happy At Home?

home 1


Happy Home, Unhappy Home

This is sometimes why home isn’t always the happiest place in the world. We go there to let off steam, to let pretenses and expectations fall. It’s where we can be ourselves. It is where we find out whether that self is really all that nice or not. 

But what happens when you can’t be yourself at home?  What if you have to hide some secret that would ruin your life if it got out? What if you can’t behave naturally due to another person in the home being judgmental or abusive or hurtful?  It seems that when you are hiding, protecting yourself or fearful, that anxiety is going to come out somehow. Internalized it might become illness, addiction, self-loathing.  Externalized it might become abusive, meanness or confusion.   Whatever it becomes it will likely show itself in the home, and it won’t be pretty.

Are you able to be yourself at home?


Drawing and commentary by Marty Coleman

Quote by Anonymous
